• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Massage shops in shopping centres may close soon


Active Member
Heard many massage shops in shopping centres are planning to close soon. Some of them have already shut done. They are trying to negotiate with shopping centre managers to reduce the rental. Good luck.

There are two main reasons:
1. staff don't want to stay - too dangerous to stay in the shopping centres since too crowds there
2. numbers of clients reduces dramatically. shops have to pay their staff and rentals

Final decision - shut done.

Understand, it is tough time for every industry and everyone. Be careful but don't panic. I will still go to my therapist for massage. She is thinking about working from home only if she has to in the end. All the best.


Legend Member
Yes, there are certainly some massage shops closing temporarily around Perth ... Body Health in Girrawheen and Kneaded Body (formerly Sky) in Queens Park are two of which I am aware have closed this past week.


Silver Member
Shop staff afraid working in the shopping centres since too many people passed their shops. Who knows if any of them had CV. Less clients come. Some have lost jobs, some have parents and kids to look after, others scared ... Shop bosses have to pay staff basic salary and the high rental still. Too much are going on here and there. They, we, all of us are struggling with this CV now. Lucky, I still have a safe place to go. Take care guys and look after yourselves and your loved ones. Wish all finish soon.


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
Sad times.
Will it just drive more privates as girls need incomes or will they do something else?


Silver Member
My remedial therapist told me this morning when I try to make a booking. She is going to close the shop tomorrow. Her clients start or move their bookings for today.

She has been trying to contact her real estate agent, telstra, HICAPS and bank regarding the fees have already occurred and may be occurred during the shut down period. She will have no income to pay bills and dose not know how long this will last. Though re-open, how long will take to back to normal like before is a big questions. Too many people lost their jobs now. No money no honey. Tough time for all of us.


Legend Member
My remedial therapist told me this morning when I try to make a booking. She is going to close the shop tomorrow ...

She has been trying to contact her real estate agent, telstra, HICAPS and bank ...

I might well be wrong, but I was under the impression there is still a window of opportunity for health professionals to continue trading.

I'm understanding that physiotherapy and chiropractic therapists are allowed to continue functioning, and so I thought maybe suitably qualified remedial massage therapists may also continue working ... ???


Well she's moving from shop to home so really it's between you and your remedial massage therapist. We can harp on all day long but the real choice is between the 2 of you, to continue or not. Like I said for private practices it's hard to clamp down on them due to being off the radar mostly.

English Rose

BBW English Rose Massage
Gold Member
Heard many massage shops in shopping centres are planning to close soon. Some of them have already shut done. They are trying to negotiate with shopping centre managers to reduce the rental. Good luck.

There are two main reasons:
1. staff don't want to stay - too dangerous to stay in the shopping centres since too crowds there
2. numbers of clients reduces dramatically. shops have to pay their staff and rentals

Final decision - shut done.

Understand, it is tough time for every industry and everyone. Be careful but don't panic. I will still go to my therapist for massage. She is thinking about working from home only if she has to in the end. All the best.
I tried to get a remedial massage from the shop I normally go to and they're closed. Such a lovely team, It's so heartbreaking.


Saw a few shops around Osborne Park were shut today. I think a lot of the girls will go private if they can


Silver Member
I might well be wrong, but I was under the impression there is still a window of opportunity for health professionals to continue trading.

I'm understanding that physiotherapy and chiropractic therapists are allowed to continue functioning, and so I thought maybe suitably qualified remedial massage therapists may also continue working ... ???

You are not wrong. Has questions on it. She has the same understanding like you. But need to clarify if Remedial Massage (with HICAPS) is under healthy related. For now, maybe better close the shop. She might not get gov enough support for both business and personal if the shop is still opening. Numbers of clients dropped already. Less income for high risky. Not worth it.


Silver Member
check this.

* Massage parlours are restricted from operating. (This includes those in shopping centres where they are separated by partitians or curtains)(effective midnight 25th March 2020)

* All practitioners must abide by the 1 person per 4 square metre rule(effective already)

* All appointments to remain 30 minutes or less (effctive midnight 25th March 2020) - I know a shop meets this but not many.
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Legend Member
... and the numbers of customers dropping with attendant loss of income and element of risk has also translated across to other businesses, e.g. the takeaway 'ready-to-eat' food option proffered to restaurants and cafes ... cafes are trying to soldier on, but meagre earnings will mean many of these businesses will shut shop.

Similarly, with the government asking us to stay home, other retail shops will be asking the question "why stay open for a lack of business ?" ... if it all comes to that, my concern is that opportunities for looting and other crimes will be irresistible for established 'hoods' and the newly desperate.

John Smithl

Legend Member
check this.

* Massage parlours are restricted from operating. (This includes those in shopping centres where they are separated by partitians or curtains)(effective midnight 25th March 2020)

* All practitioners must abide by the 1 person per 4 square metre rule(effective already)

* All appointments to remain 30 minutes or less (effctive midnight 25th March 2020) - I know a shop meets this but not many.

Why risk spreading the virus for the sake of a massage?
It's not worth it in the least.


To tell yah the truth we have a more higher risk catching it from a public surface like a rail, shop counter, pin pad, petrol station, chair, stationary and more. How often are you going to wipe a surface down before touching it, that lady that just packed your food in those bags might be contaminated. Are you going to sanitize those bags before going into your car? All those infections over in Sydney from those passengers is from touching surfaces or in the same recycled aircon room and other ppl came after and touched them too.

Before the lockdown I have yet to hear a WL infect a customer, and that Sydney WL that supposedly came over probably came from overseas but didn't self-isolate and kept working. It's more like the opposite that the WL doesn't know if a customer has been travelling from overseas and is fearing for her life instead.