• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Ladies, an act of kindness sought.


Gold Member
I wrote this in the new members' posts but thought it'd get a better chance of being read here.

Well, where do I begin? I'm a single migrant, a lonely man with no relatives in Australia. Yes, there are people at work I'm friends with but come knock off time, everyone goes home to their families.

Next week, I turn 63 and I don't want to celebrate my birthday on my own. I can't afford Langtrees $400 an hour. What I'd like to do is have dinner with a woman. Not a romantic, candlelit dinner but just an evening at an average restaurant - Chinese, Italian or whatever and some conversation with a good conversationalist.

So what's the act of kindness I'm looking for? No, it's not a root. It's just company and conversation. I can afford $30 per hour and I'll pay for the meal. Of course I can't exceed 3 hours but I guess that's the length of the average date.

This is not a joke, please don't mock me. I'm a good person.

I'm not sitting on a pity pot, I'm getting counselling for my loneliness and I've joined clubs. I know $30 an hour is peanuts to a sex worker but if you're on your night off and would like a free meal? I've been described as intelligent and a decent person. An act of kindness borne out of empathy is all I seek.

Luckypete 08

Legend Member
I wrote this in the new members' posts but thought it'd get a better chance of being read here.

Well, where do I begin? I'm a single migrant, a lonely man with no relatives in Australia. Yes, there are people at work I'm friends with but come knock off time, everyone goes home to their families.

Next week, I turn 63 and I don't want to celebrate my birthday on my own. I can't afford Langtrees $400 an hour. What I'd like to do is have dinner with a woman. Not a romantic, candlelit dinner but just an evening at an average restaurant - Chinese, Italian or whatever and some conversation with a good conversationalist.

So what's the act of kindness I'm looking for? No, it's not a root. It's just company and conversation. I can afford $30 per hour and I'll pay for the meal. Of course I can't exceed 3 hours but I guess that's the length of the average date.

This is not a joke, please don't mock me. I'm a good person.

I'm not sitting on a pity pot, I'm getting counselling for my loneliness and I've joined clubs. I know $30 an hour is peanuts to a sex worker but if you're on your night off and would like a free meal? I've been described as intelligent and a decent person. An act of kindness borne out of empathy is all I seek.
G/Day mate i sincerely hope you find a lady for your special day and I'm sure someone will read this and reply.....keep your chin up mate and all the best


Legend Member
Good luck with your quest mate.

Loneliness can be a bastard especially if you are shy and don't like to put yourself out there.

You said you have joined clubs.

Have you tried any of the over 50's clubs on Meetup?

There are plenty of clubs for different interests and many of the members would have started out like you.

The hardest part is going to the first meetup but what have you got to lose.

It is never too late to try!


John Smithl

Legend Member
I wrote this in the new members' posts but thought it'd get a better chance of being read here.

Well, where do I begin? I'm a single migrant, a lonely man with no relatives in Australia. Yes, there are people at work I'm friends with but come knock off time, everyone goes home to their families.

Next week, I turn 63 and I don't want to celebrate my birthday on my own. I can't afford Langtrees $400 an hour. What I'd like to do is have dinner with a woman. Not a romantic, candlelit dinner but just an evening at an average restaurant - Chinese, Italian or whatever and some conversation with a good conversationalist.

So what's the act of kindness I'm looking for? No, it's not a root. It's just company and conversation. I can afford $30 per hour and I'll pay for the meal. Of course I can't exceed 3 hours but I guess that's the length of the average date.

This is not a joke, please don't mock me. I'm a good person.

I'm not sitting on a pity pot, I'm getting counselling for my loneliness and I've joined clubs. I know $30 an hour is peanuts to a sex worker but if you're on your night off and would like a free meal? I've been described as intelligent and a decent person. An act of kindness borne out of empathy is all I seek.
How are you going Link is broken so has been taken down

I really hope this comes to fruition for you. Human connection, conversation and touch are real needs not wants.

Apart from massage, another avenue you may want to try is Cuddle therapy (platonic touch). I haven't tried it, so I can't personally recommend. Just google "professional cuddler Perth".
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Legend Member
This is why I hate seeing girls advertise non sex bookings for hundreds of dollars. Poor people are more likely going to be lonely yet cant afford the bookings.


Legend Member
Thanks for your concern all. No, haven't found someone but that's life in modern-day society. I have a job, I'm alive and I guess for that these days we should all be grateful.
Mate if you ever need to talk just drop me a PM, just so you are aware before hand yes I am a bloke
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks for your concern all. No, haven't found someone but that's life in modern-day society. I have a job, I'm alive and I guess for that these days we should all be grateful.
Stay with us join in the other banter and you will see the forum itself is a friendly bunch of people, you should avoid trying to trash this old madam like some do not naming names of course...I reconize them from their tractors LOL I have started the new journey adding an avatar to your profile so each time you see it you smile...if you hate it...just change it to another but something that will make you smile...see you soon....
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John Smithl

Legend Member
If thats correct , IF ... then IMO the 'cuddler' is also a physchological rapist .

400 for a compassionate hour is not compassion , it's taking abusive advantage of the needy.
The Catch-22; that people who need help and support are excluded by financial accessibility issues, whose financial resources are limited by the very mental ill health that they are burdened with and attempting to heal.

Meanwhile, there are multi-billionaires doing space tourism who built their empires off the indentured servitude of the general populace, and developing countries.

I'll step off my soapbox before I either slip, or get a splinter...


Gold Member
This is an ailment that's becoming prevalent in our society. Of course it's always been around but more so now. I found these two videos in some other thread on this board. I'll look for them and post it here. I'm not doing this to raise pity but raise awareness. This is a pretty woman and going through loneliness.

and then it's going across all ages soon.



Bronze Member
Thanks for your concern all. No, haven't found someone but that's life in modern-day society. I have a job, I'm alive and I guess for that these days we should all be grateful.
Good to hear you're doing okay and also glad to hear you're working. At least there are people to see everyone and perhaps something positive is waiting for you around the corner. Stay positive :cool:


Gold Member
This is an extract from a book. I hope it's true because I'd love to die soon instead of going through more loneliness and isolation. When I say I hope I die soon, I don't mean to do it by my own hand but 'cos isolation's such a killer.

It is estimated that over a million people visit their GP as a result of loneliness, with GPs seeing between one and five lonely patients a day.2 These numbers are set to rise over the coming decade, with an increase in the older age population where many find that they have lost contact with old friends and colleagues and are living a more isolated life.3 However, this is not just an issue for the elderly: an increasing number of younger men are now becoming both socially isolated and at risk of loneliness.4

Health implications of isolation and loneliness

The physical state of social isolation and the perception of loneliness (objective versus subjective) are independent risk factors for poor health and an increased risk of premature death.5 Social isolation itself increases the risk of all-cause mortality by 29%, while loneliness increases it by 26%, and living alone by 32%.6 For those under the age of 65 years, the risk to health associated with any of these three is even greater."

John Smithl

Legend Member
This is an extract from a book. I hope it's true because I'd love to die soon instead of going through more loneliness and isolation. When I say I hope I die soon, I don't mean to do it by my own hand but 'cos isolation's such a killer.

It is estimated that over a million people visit their GP as a result of loneliness, with GPs seeing between one and five lonely patients a day.2 These numbers are set to rise over the coming decade, with an increase in the older age population where many find that they have lost contact with old friends and colleagues and are living a more isolated life.3 However, this is not just an issue for the elderly: an increasing number of younger men are now becoming both socially isolated and at risk of loneliness.4

Health implications of isolation and loneliness

The physical state of social isolation and the perception of loneliness (objective versus subjective) are independent risk factors for poor health and an increased risk of premature death.5 Social isolation itself increases the risk of all-cause mortality by 29%, while loneliness increases it by 26%, and living alone by 32%.6 For those under the age of 65 years, the risk to health associated with any of these three is even greater."
I hear you

Deleted member 49173

This is an extract from a book. I hope it's true because I'd love to die soon instead of going through more loneliness and isolation. When I say I hope I die soon, I don't mean to do it by my own hand but 'cos isolation's such a killer.

It is estimated that over a million people visit their GP as a result of loneliness, with GPs seeing between one and five lonely patients a day.2 These numbers are set to rise over the coming decade, with an increase in the older age population where many find that they have lost contact with old friends and colleagues and are living a more isolated life.3 However, this is not just an issue for the elderly: an increasing number of younger men are now becoming both socially isolated and at risk of loneliness.4

Health implications of isolation and loneliness
The physical state of social isolation and the perception of loneliness (objective versus subjective) are independent risk factors for poor health and an increased risk of premature death.5 Social isolation itself increases the risk of all-cause mortality by 29%, while loneliness increases it by 26%, and living alone by 32%.6 For those under the age of 65 years, the risk to health associated with any of these three is even greater."
I'm genuinely sorry to hear you feel this way , BUT I see it all around too.
Its kinda like the more people they cram into a high rise the less those people have to do with each other .. the 'easier' social medias make it to befriend online the less people actually connect with each other. As a person with a family and surviving friendships I cannot fully comprehend your plight lonelyman , but still Im sure there are groups of some sort wherever you are that you could meet with and share some time with .. they may not be soulmates but maybe it'd be better than feelng alone .. at least keep on chatting here man 👍👍


Gold Member
@lonelyman toastmasters is good for getting out there and building up the confidence... also if you are fine with random chat the local Cafe every day at the same time.. may sound Strange but other regulars will notice and things start happening... people start noticing... may lead to things...


Gold Member
Confidence I've got. My local's full of couples or women with wedding rings on or young babes with boyfriends. But thanks for the thought.


Legend Member
@lonelyman toastmasters is good for getting out there and building up the confidence... also if you are fine with random chat the local Cafe every day at the same time.. may sound Strange but other regulars will notice and things start happening... people start noticing... may lead to things...

I started doing this, then all the other regulars noticed my regularity and started becoming irregular at that exact time :/😢