• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Its cruel society for men and especially the handicaped


Silver Member
The people who need sexual services to obtain even just a measly hour of human contact and affection a fortnight are the same people who cant obtain it because of the requested price compared to the support they recieve from the government for there disabilities and unemployment, on top of that even if we are to get lucky enoigh for someone to ALLOW us the chance to work a job and earn money we dont get given the opportunity to do jobs where we would recieve a high enough pay check to afford it on a regular basis without saving up for weeks at a time for like i said just an hour of your time

Where is the support for men when it comes to the oppisite sex and affection anything to stop men like me fron turning to toxic places like red/black pill as we are involentary celebits in a world where we are taught to be kind and accrpting of people and at the same time shown nothing but the oppisite in the actions of people

There is no where for us to turn for help in achieving or support toward our goals of experiencing sex and god forbid a sense of love and affection, all that is offered to us is copping strategies, might as well be slapping us on the wrist and telling us to hard the fuck up and deal with it

Where is the real love and care in society


Silver Member
What sort of Handicap do you have Sub?
ASD, i was diagnosed 2 years ago now when i was 26, i am very high functioning and appear pretty normal but i struggle with social skills like small talk and reading social cues in a verbal conversation, i dont like eye contact unless i feel secure with the person im looking at and even then i dont feel good about it as iv been told i stare to much and have even been mocked for it

I through my childhood years undiagnosed because i was a bully and used nasty humour and aggroance to mask myself and obtain acceptance in my peers, i also have a history of drug abuse (weed) and self mulitaltion (cutting/carving), i dont do any of that stuff anymore i try my best to do the right things and be a good man and it all feel like its for nothing and causes more frustation for me personally then good, but my friends and family would be extremely disapointed in me if i were to relapse and fall back into my old way of copping and finding acceptance

I dont know what to do anymore, sometimes i feel like it would be easier to just chop my cock and balls off then to continue enduring life with them

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Sub there are always answers,,,sometimes they take a while to find ...joining in here is a great step..We have a new admin for this section happening soon, and she is cluey... I do know in some cases...govt funding is available for those in need, and we hope to get the list of special sex workers that do this kind of work for $50-$100 because they care....hang in there and help us build this forum.


Gold Member

Me too*, except [CONTENT WARNING: Honest] I also scored stable middle class parents, so my life has been far better than many people's.

Solutions I have discovered:
• If you are level 2 (As written on diagnosis) autistic then you may be able to get NDIS funding which can (after court case**) be used for sex workers if you do the forms right. This may still need wrangling because you may need documents with a true name (or ABN that I could trace to a true name) for the service provider. I haven't done this yet.

• Find job you can do, making as much use as possible as Australia's freeish education. I'm now an accountant after failing as a highschool maths teacher (as badly as an autistic person who didn't know it then), but my career's plateaued because I'm crap at managing normies (particularly if they start crying at me) and I'm socially inept.

• Other things such as discounts if people like us organise like people do in NSW https://www.touchingbase.org/

Some escorts/venues are much cheaper than others, but sensory issues interfere if the bed feels like rubber and the poorly ventilated room smells and the shower isn't hot and the music is crap and she doesn't understand my words.

BUT If some establishments in WA, with discounts for people with concession cards during weekdays, were to organise to make NDIS and other access easier, then I'm sure people like me would also prefer these establishments because of their obvious ethics, and [TARGETED ACCOUNTING ADVICE FOR VENUE OPERATORS] these establishments would be much more stable when the WA economy next crashes.

If you can make it to the Langtrees party tonight, I'll discretely give you a tab for half an hour with somebody, as long as you never mention it to people, and we can talk. Don't worry about normal people reading this bit, because the above text should be too long for a boring person's attention span. You'll recognise me if you see "DO IT!" in Arial font. Don't worry about the money - I'd otherwise only spend it on prostitutes and I need to balance being evil elsewhere. :)

* I'm actually ADHD plus autistic, so I'm flaky, like new experiences, and always late, but these hide each other better in public - before I burn out in private.
** https://www.ideas.org.au/blogs/ndis-overruled-on-sex-services.html


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
There are ways for people with disabilities of various degrees to access escort services. Years ago I had been a Disability Support Worker and had heard of ways clients had been assisted to engage escort services.
Do you have a Disability Services Worker that you can talk with in confidence? They might be able to guide you down the path of accessibility and use of funding.
Much has changed in the industry since I was involved but I can only hope it is more developed now days.
I know that some funding allows for assistance in Community Integration for a client.
People with disabilities are no less sexual than abled people. It is at times a complex field not openly discussed in the disability support industry.
I’ve tried to write this respectfully and hopefully insightful.


Diamond Member
you may be able to get NDIS funding which can (after court case**)
** https://www.ideas.org.au/blogs/ndis-overruled-on-sex-services.html

There is also a detailed report on this case here:

The federal court held that a woman with multiple sclerosis could use NDIS funding to pay sex-workers to help her obtain orgasm.

But the federal government then announced plans to alter the legislation to stop this happening:

They plan to change the meaning of "reasonable and necessary" in section 34 of the NDIS Act, but as far I can tell, they have not yet been able to do so.
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Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
There is also a detailed report on this case here:

The federal court held that a woman with multiple sclerosis could use NDIS funding to pay sex-workers to help her obtain orgasm.

But the federal government then announced plans to alter the legislation to stop this happening:

Awesome find Plumage, a lot has changed since I was a support worker. Back in the day services had to be creative in assisting clients in their needs.


Gold Member
A lot of the time, people with disabilities can’t fight back even if they want to. That makes them the perfect target for someone that just wants to take out all their venom on someone. Sometimes they don’t even know that the other person is being cruel at all.