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In a relationship, how do you handle sexual tension?


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Relationships are much more than sex. Evaluate other areas in the relationship that may be needing attention and then the sex may naturally heal in time.
Show appreciation in your partner being in your life. No matter how my relationship was travelling I always gave my ex fiancé a kiss as she slept when I’d leave for work.
When I heard her car arrive home I always went outside to give her a hug and kiss along with asking how her day was.
Focusing on sex all the time can be one cause of tension. Embrace all that is relational for intimacy to be nurtured.
Simple acts like brushing her long hair or washing it for her showed appreciation of her being in my life. Our intimate life had it’s moments but in all was beautiful.


Gold Member
You don't. Just let it happen naturally. Casually dating this girl and we build up tension, pretty much one thing lead to another and we took out clothes off like almost ripping them off lol..