• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Kate VIP Perth

Manager @ Langtrees
Staff member
Foundation Member
For those interested in why accounts do not get deleted instantly, I hate to quell the many conspiracy theories I'm sure that are out there.

It is purely due to the fact I AM BUSY. Deleting accounts on this forum are unfortunately quite low on my TODO list.

I can offer a tip to those unhappy about it not happening instantly DON'T LOG BACK IN.

But really apologies to those who have not been deleted.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
@Tania Smiley I havent seen any messages sent and you need to hit the sad button when you have sent the message you must include me to start with and wait 3 days before you delete.

Quinn XX

Silver Member
For those interested in why accounts do not get deleted instantly, I hate to quell the many conspiracy theories I'm sure that are out there.

It is purely due to the fact I AM BUSY. Deleting accounts on this forum are unfortunately quite low on my TODO list.

I can offer a tip to those unhappy about it not happening instantly DON'T LOG BACK IN.

But really apologies to those who have not been deleted.

Fair đź‘Ť xx

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Please delete my account
All deletions will have to send me a message and I will do it as I recieve them...I dont have time to send out messages and check the last time you visited send personal message to Mrs langtrees and I will do them as I open the message.