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How many partners did you have so far?


Gold Member
My magic number is 2 :D:D:D:D

I do that but i'm at 8!!

Covers all bases. 3 long term relationships to cover my age, i don't come across a "player", it could be the reason that it's somewhat disappointing :D, i've had enough partners that someone else wants me, the girl probably has more than 8 and it's not enough to think i'm lying etc.

Never had a 1 night stand either.
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Kk Tiz luv being honest had many one nighters but as a partner been with three lovelies:joyful: which i will never forget they were nice, understanding and never were like a pain in @ss
If they were so understanding why did you leave them?:banghead:

Truthfully only two. I married my high school sweetheart, got divorced that was in a relationship :banghead:
SO are you single now or married?:confused:

Sophie South

Adventurous Brunette
Gold Member
I’ve had four relationships (that I would consider long-term/serious). Sad to say, I took three of my exes for granted while I was with them, and wish only the best for them in the future.

The other one... I struggle to wish him well but no longer wish him any harm. After all, he put my other relationships in a different context by putting me through similar things I had done to others without even realising. So in a way, I had it coming. And it wasn’t a waste of time because I learned a lot.

It is what it is; we’re all just doing our best with what we know and have experienced so far in our lives. :happy:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I’ve had four relationships (that I would consider long-term/serious). Sad to say, I took three of my exes for granted while I was with them, and wish only the best for them in the future.

The other one... I struggle to wish him well but no longer wish him any harm. After all, he put my other relationships in a different context by putting me through similar things I had done to others without even realising. So in a way, I had it coming. And it wasn’t a waste of time because I learned a lot.

It is what it is; we’re all just doing our best with what we know and have experienced so far in our lives. :happy:
great post

English Rose

BBW English Rose Massage
Gold Member
I've had 2 and married both of them. I loved being married but I must admit, I was too young for husband number 1, he wanted a wife in every sense but I found out too late he was A sexual. I was gullible and naive. I never strayed. If I had my life again, I still would have dated him but I never would have married him.


Gold Member
More than one and less than 100! Some one night stands and some short term relationships! As for long term relationships that i would say I was in love with my partner the number would be 4! The last of which was a disastrous 15 year marriage! It's not in the question but I never once cheated while I was in a relationship! 🙂

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
More than one and less than 100! Some one night stands and some short term relationships! As for long term relationships that i would say I was in love with my partner the number would be 4! The last of which was a disastrous 15 year marriage! It's not in the question but I never once cheated while I was in a relationship! 🙂
Did you know that men are more faithful in relationships woman just have memory loss...not that I believe faithfulness makes a enduring relationship honesty is the best.