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Legend Member

How Dogs Help Symptoms of Depression

Dogs can help symptoms of depression because they are pack animals and instinctively form close bonds with other members of their "pack" or family. By their very nature, they will help provide emotional support to other members of their pack by being loyal and affectionate companions.

Physical Touch

  • The sheer presence of a dog is calming - you're instinctively drawn to stroke or pet them. This can be especially helpful for people suffering from anxiety disorders or panic attacks
  • The sense of Touch is hugely beneficial psychologically - the act of stroking your pet can be soothing, and so improve your mood if you are down or depressed. It can also lower your blood pressure and stress levels.
Affection and Self Esteem
  • Pets are uncomplicated - they don't have their own agendas and they love you unconditionally
  • Caring for another living being and receiving affection in return is great for anyone's self-esteem - especially if you are lonely, bereaved or depressed.
Reducing Isolation and loneliness
  • Dogs are a talking point and "social lubricant"- small as it may seem a simple exchange of pleasantries between dog owners in the park can be hugely helpful if you are feeling isolated, depressed or anxious. They also tend to be a good supply of silly stories to help break the ice
  • Dog-related activities can form the beginnings of new hobbies, friendships. Activities vary from basic obedience to flyball or dog agility classes.
Taking Responsibility
  • In rescuing a support dog you are taking on responsibility for the care and wellbeing of another living being, even if it has four paws instead of two legs! Hugely rewarding though it may be, its also a big responsibility and not a small undertaking to be cast aside or left behind lightly. When you are feeling rock bottom your responsibility as guardian to the dog you rescued can be a lifeline.
Relationship Building
  • In rescuing a dog, you are effectively acquiring a new member of your family or pack, which, like any relationship, will grow with trust, respect, loving bonds but also bring its share of relationshp tension and challenges to be worked through, much like a relationship with a human family member might do.
Managing Thoughts and Feelings
  • Dogs don't understand our verbal conversation, they read us at a much more fundamental level of energy and emotional state - you can't lie to a dog ! They instictively know when you are projective negative energy because you are feeling down, upset and respond.
  • Dog's behave best when they are exposed to positive calm assertive energy, if you are stressed, tense, anxious, frustrated, or upset, your dog will be less responsive to your commands and more likely to, say, pull on the lead or not return when you call. To be a successful calm assertive pack leader for your dog, you first need to be self aware of your own emotions and state of mind and how affects your dog.
  • When you achieve a calm, assertive, confident state of mind, your dog wiill perform at his best and be your perfect companion. Over time acquiring the skill of being a calm assertive pack leader will help you manage your mind, emotions and stress levels more effectively, enabling you to cope better with life's difficulties and stay positive more often.
Exercise and Routine
  • Dogs get you out of the house - fresh air, physical exercise and a change of scene are proven to help boost people's mood and ease depression symptoms
  • Caring for a dog helps form a daily routine and structure that can help keep you going, one foot after the other. No matter how depressed you are, your dog still needs feeding and walking!
  • Last but far from least - they really can make you laugh in spite of your depression when they inevitably do very silly, daft things


Legend Member
When I owned my own home, having a dog made such a huge difference, especially while I was going through my relationship break down. I love this post, it's totally correct. The only problem for me was that when I lost my home and had to rent for the first time in 20 years, I discovered that most rental properties have a no pets policy, so very sadly I had to give my doggie away. Thanks for posting though! : )


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member



Legend Member
When I owned my own home, having a dog made such a huge difference, especially while I was going through my relationship break down. I love this post, it's totally correct. The only problem for me was that when I lost my home and had to rent for the first time in 20 years, I discovered that most rental properties have a no pets policy, so very sadly I had to give my doggie away. Thanks for posting though! : )
Oh that sucks you couldn't keep your dog-hopefully you'll be able to get one again soon. I can't imagine not having pets!! They truly do become part of your family and help you in so many ways. I have met many people that say their pet has enriched their lives and some that say they have literally saved their lives. I remember reading an interview with Mickey Rourke and he said he was so depressed he was contemplating suicide. His dogs found him curled up on the floor and wouldn't leave his side. He realised he couldn't leave them-that they needed him. He now has 8 dogs, all rescue ones! So awesome!!
I love my dogs and cat-they are pure joy! That saying a house is not a home without a pet is so true. But a rescue one is best;)


Legend Member
Oh that sucks you couldn't keep your dog-hopefully you'll be able to get one again soon. I can't imagine not having pets!! They truly do become part of your family and help you in so many ways. I have met many people that say their pet has enriched their lives and some that say they have literally saved their lives. I remember reading an interview with Mickey Rourke and he said he was so depressed he was contemplating suicide. His dogs found him curled up on the floor and wouldn't leave his side. He realised he couldn't leave them-that they needed him. He now has 8 dogs, all rescue ones! So awesome!!
I love my dogs and cat-they are pure joy! That saying a house is not a home without a pet is so true. But a rescue one is best;)

Thanks! Yes, I hope so! it's a case of trying to find a landlord that allows pets which is very difficult these days. When I went through my divorce, it was my dog that stuck by me when nobody else would, but the worst thing was the realisation that I had to say goodbye to the one that stood by me, because I couldn't find a place to live where I could keep him. I think a lot of people when they hear about a difficult divorce, and they just think of the two people splitting up and think, well how bad can that be? but for some, it's also the loss of their home, belongings, friends, family, kids, neighbours, job, money, self reliance, self esteem and... their dog... followed by the biggest loss....hope.

This is a pic I took when I had to say goodbye to him, I don't think I'll ever forget how he looked at me... it was like he knew :(



Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
Thanks! Yes, I hope so! it's a case of trying to find a landlord that allows pets which is very difficult these days. When I went through my divorce, it was my dog that stuck by me when nobody else would, but the worst thing was the realisation that I had to say goodbye to the one that stood by me, because I couldn't find a place to live where I could keep him. I think a lot of people when they hear about a difficult divorce, and they just think of the two people splitting up and think, well how bad can that be? but for some, it's also the loss of their home, belongings, friends, family, kids, neighbours, job, money, self reliance, self esteem and... their dog... followed by the biggest loss....hope.

This is a pic I took when I had to say goodbye to him, I don't think I'll ever forget how he looked at me... it was like he knew :(


thats heart breaking dallas!!!! You must come to Perth asap so I can give you a big hug xxxxx


Legend Member
Thanks! Yes, I hope so! it's a case of trying to find a landlord that allows pets which is very difficult these days. When I went through my divorce, it was my dog that stuck by me when nobody else would, but the worst thing was the realisation that I had to say goodbye to the one that stood by me, because I couldn't find a place to live where I could keep him. I think a lot of people when they hear about a difficult divorce, and they just think of the two people splitting up and think, well how bad can that be? but for some, it's also the loss of their home, belongings, friends, family, kids, neighbours, job, money, self reliance, self esteem and... their dog... followed by the biggest loss....hope.

This is a pic I took when I had to say goodbye to him, I don't think I'll ever forget how he looked at me... it was like he knew :(

Oh Dallas that is so sad-what a beautiful boy he is. Do you keep in touch with the people that adopted him? I hope he is happy and they are taking good care of him for you. xxxx


Legend Member
Oh Dallas that is so sad-what a beautiful boy he is. Do you keep in touch with the people that adopted him? I hope he is happy and they are taking good care of him for you. xxxx

Thanks Sherry, yeah it was tough, he was very special too me because when I was going through my divorce he just turned up at the front door one day and wouldn't leave. It was like we both knew each other, so he was the only one that stood by me when everything was falling apart around me and then I was forced to give him away. The people that took him seemed really nice so I was happy about that but I've never contacted them as it seemed too painful. It hurts even now to think about it.

Tania Admin

I know that when NT is away and I'm in a slump, snuggling with my fur baby is most definitely soothing :)


Gold Member
Dogs are great but they're expensive to look after and maintain. Okay, you save some bucks going to a dog's home. Then come the vet's bills and feeding them. Also, in my case, I work a 10 hour day which means the poor bastard's going to be alone all day.

So the answer is that you need to get two dogs so they keep each other company. People say a dog does nothing but sleep all day but it's not like they can go to the library or surf the net on their own. If they had company, it'd be far less boring for them and they won't sleep as much.

Two dogs - even more expensive.


Gold Member
The daily activities of our dogs revolve around us, and their surprising actions make us feel important. The pure love we receive from them is rare, and that is the reason everyone needs a pet in their lives. :)