• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


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Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
Oh how this site has changed

We are fed up with logging in to find 10 20 30 new posts..... all by newbies trying to gain access to pics

The content generally is crap its just a means to an end

Any ideas?? We are at a loss

Rhett and Scarlett


Id would have to agree with you guys!

Very frustrating to find any real content!

Must admit the new posts arent many these days either and so many replies to post started ages ago!

Maybe a purge or archive of all thread started over a year agot o keep things fresh and New?

As far as newbies wanting to see pictures well, thats just lots of horny poeple looking for gree porn i guess.

How does anyone ever stop that?

Erob - aka Ben old Rubys driver :)


And excuse my typing errors whoops, should have checked before i hit Submit!



Hmmm as far as the poor posting from newbies trying to gain access to be able to view pics...why make a posting limit...theres the problem! This concept just encourages it..When I joined I didn't have to post 'x' amount before gaining access.....


Bronze Member
Hmmm....I thought that the forums were open to all interested parties including 'newbies' plus those who are here for only the pics. I apologise in advance for the current and future crap content i may post.


Yep there is crap that is interesting then there is just crap lol

Or crap for craps sake :):alien:


Latex...it's not about 'newbies' as we all enjoying meeting new faces or is that new avatars ??hmmm anyway the point is the endless responses of nothing as R & S have pointed out in their 'Rest our case' thread...Hello and welcome to you...

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
Yes Latex

Hello and welcome

We like Temptme dont usually bite unless you specifically request it



Well i can imagine being bitten by you would be fun TemptMe!

Took the time out to have a look at some of your very very nice pics :)


*bows* Why thank you for your compliments.... *clenches teeth together repeatedly*


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Hi R&S, Just to add 2 cents worth i guess the reasons we all join this site is for different reasons.
I agree the forum has been boring of late,yeah alot of the pic's can be seen anywhere on the net.I have even put the odd one up.
Though there are a few that are personal and very well done(TemptMe) just for example.

I myself use this forum and the old A.E one for reviews of W/L'S etc.Though they are few and far between these days.As a single guy i have quiet a few girlfriends that are just that and i don't use my friends for one night stands hence that is why i see W/L's. As i don't hurt anybodies feelings that way.

Then there is the swinging side to the forum one i have yet to adventure to.
To make things better i am not sure. I enjoy reading some of the threads and then some i don't even look at. Though i guess when people start contributing somethings worth talking about it may change.

I always thought with no disrespect to all moderators that there are to many different categories but that is only my thoughts.I guess the forum will only be as good as all members make it.
So maybe a few of the people that want to view pic's should start contributing something worth talking about instead of just getting to 5 posts to look at some pic's. Whether this makes any sense i don't know but at least i try to contribute something.
I am not picking on anybody just a response to your question.;D


Hi im a Newbie as you call us, im not really in a position so say have things changed or not however i am in a position to say im posting replys firstly to learn how to use the site and secondly to get my name out there, your right there are pictures a plenty out there on the web and if thats all you want im sure there are much more prolific sites available, im here looking to expand my horizons meet new people and have new experiences, any any help you can all give me on that would be greatly appreciated




Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
i come on every few days and just look at new posts, and am lucky to find 1 thats actually worth reading... occasionally go back and look through old posts etc but as others have said, theres just too many categories to go through to find what it is one is looking for!

Very sick of newbie posts 'how do i see pics' 'can't see pics' 'just getting my 5 post count' etc etc etc... i get that they added the 5 post thing to stop people coming on, looking at pics then dissappearing, but people only post pics online if they want others to see them anyway! and if looking at pics is the only reason people have come on the forum, theyre gonna do the 5 posts then we'll never hear from them again anyway... ends up being a pointless thing, AND means us regular members have so many more posts to go through just to find anything of meaning!

Mary Anne PA

Can I propose some "newbie rules" about posting crap to get pic access?
I also think that this is worth deletion, as if you cant contribute MEANINGFULLY for 5 posts, then how can you be expected to contribute at all?

Feel free to report 'nonsense' posts so we can deal with them. :)


Gold Member
Have to agree; there's a lot of crap and you can miss a good tread because of it.

Newbies want their five but when they do they find that there ain't that many pics anyway. I see this forum as: adult views, info and conversation, pic hunters don't seem to have any.


I agree with the comments of others re newbies wasting everyones time writing five posts and then waiting for access to pics. I say just give everyone access and that way people wont have to join and make five useless comments.

Just my two cents :D


Silver Member
You know what, I did exactly the thing that you guys are unhappy with! I (only about a week ago) was a complete nooby, I was horny and the pictures sounded hot, so I got my post count up and then realised there are people here really worth talking to!

Basically what I'm saying is, the post count might cause a lot of spam, but it also encourages some people to hang around (like me) and thats good for ANY community group :)


Silver Member
i usually have a browse at topics in the forums that interest me...even though i don't drop in too often due to work commitments, i still read some interesting comments.


Personally, im not here for the pics. Its not hard to find alot more hardcore porn somewhere else on the net if thats what you want.
To stop the 'useless newbie posting', either have no limit at all to see pictures, or make it out of reach or too hard to get to...so maybe 100 posts.
Or if that big a deal, get rid of the picture boards all together?


Diamond Member
This site is what you make it. There will always be some who have lost the plot and focus on seeing pics.

I believe we all something to say-even if most might find our posts boring or just crap. We can only do our best to post our thoughts and answer posts we feel the urge to. It is an added bonus if a reader actually finds our post worth reading. We can only keep trying.

I find all posts interesting. Yes even those asking what sexy pic they are missing?


Then there are the people that come on here ( like me ) and ask a genuine question that has still not been answered.

Just thought i would have a sook.


Diamond Member
Okay townsvillefun, get the tissue out and wipe your eyes and give your nose a good blow because I answered your question.

Thank you for pointing out we have all let a valued member down.

I did not before because I do not live in your location. However one can find anything-if they search long enough.


WTF? there's pictures on here too!??

sorry, just joking....i joined for information and to ask questions that I can't ask elsewhere. pictures weren't really my priority list.


Diamond Member
Yes Lucid311 I find it hard also that the pictures is the main attraction to this site. I guess different strokes for different blokes (and of course ladies.)
I hope however, now I have enough posts to see them pics. *chuckles*


Okay townsvillefun, get the tissue out and wipe your eyes and give your nose a good blow because I answered your question.

Thank you for pointing out we have all let a valued member down.

I did not before because I do not live in your location. However one can find anything-if they search long enough.

Cheers for that. All is not lost. :eek:ccasion14
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