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First Drink..


Legend Member
Purchased 1 litre of Coke drunk half and then topped up the other half with Brandivino stolen from my mates home

Went fishing and fell off my bike pissed on the way home!

Oh to be 14 again!


Bronze Member
I was given some brandy around christmas time when i was young, but only a little and i hated it


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Sweet Strawberry Champagne.......at room temperature and on empty stomach......I have never felt so sick in my life🤮


Gold Member
First I was “given” to “drink”, was a beer, hated it, threw it away after 3 sips.

First drink “given” to “try” Pernod (aniseed) and coke.

First drink “bought” to “drink” Sub-zero in the nightclub.

First drink “snuck” a “drink” Southern Comfort


Legend Member
My grandfather - a veteran of Royal Navy service in WWII - used to invite a sip or two of his beer on party occasions; maybe I was all of 12 years old when this Birthday / Christmas treat first emerged.

As to a real drink, and real consequences, I simply reflect upon my high school Year 12 Formal held at the Melville Civic Centre, and specifically the after party at a student's parents' house in Bateman ... as if by magic, my Coke and ice became something more ... with the mysterious addition of what I later discovered to be a thing called Vodka ... ...

Unlike some of my friends, I didn't yet have a driver's licence or a girlfriend ... and so, in the early dark hours of the morning I also experienced my first stumbling steps of intoxication toward a sobering 2 kilometre walk home !

Tania Admin

Honestly, Crème de menthe, when I was in high school. I necked the bottle and haven’t been able to touch the stuff since! 😝
Omg! this so reminds me of High School. A few of us got drunk 3 days in a row. Teachers were doing bag searches by the 3rd day but totally disregarded the drink bottles with Green Cordial (Creme DeMenthe) in them. One girl was hospitalised on day 3 and we all stopped our shennnaigans.

First drink was wine though. Used to sneak a sip out of mum's when we would refill her glass for her.

First I was “given” to “drink”, was a beer, hated it, threw it away after 3 sips.
No offence intended but reading that made me think of the movie The Good Boys....Sippy Cup, Sippy Cup 😂