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Farting during the nasty

Jasmine Malika

Gold Member
I had a client come in on my last shifts wanting me to fart in his face, it was my first time doing it I can’t lie it was so much fun heh

Dood Deleted 66783

Here's my favourite kink, I shag you senseless and you give me all your money! Pwhoah, what a turn on!
I feel your pain sister. I'd be in pain too if I had to shag anyone senseless. Eat some dum briyani, great comfort food.

Jamie Jackson

Jamie Jackson 💋
Diamond Member
Have some baked beans, boiled eggs and Durian just before your next booking with him. Let us know how it goes ;).

You'll either kill him or he'll be begging for more...🤣
That was funny until you said Durian 🤢
That is the most disgusting thing I think I’ve ever eaten, and I’m a proper country girl. I’ve definitely eaten some controversial things.


Diamond Member
That was funny until you said Durian 🤢
That is the most disgusting thing I think I’ve ever eaten, and I’m a proper country girl. I’ve definitely eaten some controversial things.
Therefore just imagine how repugnant the smell must be when it comes out the other end, mixed in with the baked beans and boiled eggs! Will certainly be one to remember for your client.

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Mistress: Slap! Slap! How dare you fart before me!!!

Slave: I'm sorry Mistress (sob! sob!), I didn't know it was your turn!

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I love durians. Similar to eating strawberries in a toilet! Yum yum!

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