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Earthquake today in Christchurch, NZ


Alecia the Foxx

Hi all

Thanks for the pm's.

There was a devastating earthquake in Christchurch today at about midday NZ time (7am Perth time). So far 65 are dead, with many injured. I am in the North Island, so didn't feel the quake as Christchurch is in the South Island. Have had pm's asking me if I am ok, just letting everyone know that I am fine. I'm sure people will join me in saying that our thoughts are with the people in Christchurch, and their loved ones. :sad10:

Sean 39

Yes you just couldnt imagine what they are going throught ATM,very sad,makes u wonder how luck we are in Perth,but the ironic thing is Perth(WA)is on one of the worst fault lines,but all good at this stage..
Good to hear ur safe and well..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
It is devastating. I never lived in Christchurch (I am a North Island girl) but went there several times for a visit.
I can only hope that the number of dead people is not getting any higher and that every kiwi on this forum is save (in case you life in ChrCH) or knows that his/her loved ones are save.
Apparently there have been several after shocks since the big one (as high as 5.9 on the Richter scale).......OMG.......I really don't know what I would do if I would live there......moving for good????? Who knows when the next one hits?

Again......my heart goes out to all the people in ChrCh



We may live in countries that banter in sport and society,
however when a disaster like this we are more than neighbours,
we are here for each other.

I wish I was there helping
instead of feeling helpless!

thoughts are with you over the Tasman


As if Christchurch didn't have enough to deal with after the last quake in Sept....So sad & devastating...My thoughts are with the people of Christchurch in this difficult time


Legend Member
Oz & NZ must have had one of the worst 6 mnth period in living memory.
When the dinkum sites are up For giving of donations etc Could someone please post them


stay with recognized sites like Red cross or the salvation army as I heard the fictitious sites are calling people asking for donations,
use care but don't be turned off NZ & Queensland need our help


Beautiful gesture happy2, I am a Kiwi in Australia, we are not used to such disasters.
these are all good people that are really hurting. I am amazed at how everyone pulls together in times of need. Even a simple prayer can help. thanks again brother.

Donate to the disaster relief appeal : Queensland Government
If you have to choose one I would choose New Zealand seems to need it most right now in these economic times


All those that need to know, things like this make kiwis family, and all Australians are praying and thinking of our neighbours. we are lucky in perth, Sean 39, just how vulnerable is perth, meckering '68 was a while ago right, a bit b4 my time.. can someone explain perth's deal?


Its a big shock to everyone in chch, thats for sure, I used to work with a few people from CTV there, two of them perished in the CTV building which collapsed, the scariest thing being, theres no knowning for the people there that the same thing won't happen again in the next hour, day, week, or month....

As for Perth, the fault line that caused the 6.9 earthquake in '68, was
Meckering .... around 130km east of Perth, and like most, was apparently dormant for some 10,000 years apparently, until one day, it decided to wake up and hence destroyed the town (Meckering).

Sean 39

Its a big shock to everyone in chch, thats for sure, I used to work with a few people from CTV there, two of them perished in the CTV building which collapsed, the scariest thing being, theres no knowning for the people there that the same thing won't happen again in the next hour, day, week, or month....

As for Perth, the fault line that caused the 6.9 earthquake in '68, was
Meckering .... around 130km east of Perth, and like most, was apparently dormant for some 10,000 years apparently, until one day, it decided to wake up and hence destroyed the town (Meckering).

ONE of the world's biggest fault lines runs through WA's back yard.

The Darling Fault is a 950km fracture that stretches from north to south. Not a single quake has been recorded on the fault line, which was formed millions of years ago when India and Australia separated.

But if it were to rupture, Perth would be destroyed, scientists say.

UWA geophysics professor Michael Dentith said the chances of a quake on the fault were minuscule.

``But the fact that we haven't seen an earthquake when we have had instruments down there doesn't actually mean there couldn't be one,'' he said.

``It's one of the intriguing things about WA geology. We know there is this huge stress because (earthquakes) are occurring inland, but why are they not occurring on the biggest fault?''

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
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A complicated series of fault lines called the South-West seismic zone also runs under WA.

The fault lines were responsible for the state's most destructive earthquake in Meckering in October 1968. The zone runs from Albany to Moora.

International Seismological Centre chairman Gary Gibson said the South-West seismic zone had been ``incredibly active'' for the past 50 years.

“It is much more active than is average. In the last few years it has had a few earthquakes and it is possible that the active period could continue,” Dr Gibson said.

In the past month seven small earthquakes registering no more than magnitude 2.7 on the Modified Mercalli scale _ now used in place of the Richter scale _ have been recorded near Koorda and Dalwallinu, according to the Geoscience Australia website.

Five large quakes have rocked the state since records began, according to the University of Western Australia. The most destructive, in Meckering, measured 6.9 and caused more than $5 million damage.

But at magnitude 7.2, the Meeberrie earthquake, 690km northeast of Perth on April 29, 1941, is Australia's biggest.

Not trying to scare anyone! just more for ur info.

Sean 39

A better working link for donating:


Well Done Alecia,
I have one for the Punters out there in punting land,how about us guys donate to N/Z instead of the other 'donate'to the W/L,just a one off!
Food for thought!
I no i will.
Enjoy and YOU will get just the same satasfaction out of it as well.
Ps i was on my way to see my fav W/L one day and donated 300 dollars to sucicide prevention,felt very good at the time.very CLOSE to my heart
truse story.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi sean 39,
thanks for the information. Ignorant me but I didn't realise that Perth is so close to a fault line. Usually you connect countries like NZ, Central Amerika and a few places in Asian to earthquake potential. So WA is on the list as well.
Interesting....a friend of mine just told me a couple of days ago about an article in the paper (a while ago) that states that Perth (statistically) is overdue for a natural disaster to strike. I thought 'cyclone' but after what you posted it might be another earthquake.



Thats awful,my heart goes out to their friends and family at such a tragic time,hopefully one day the scientists will have an invention for natural disasters.

Alecia the Foxx

The death toll is now 148 with approximately 100 people still missing. People are leaving Christchurch in plane loads. The Prime Minister has called it "New Zealand's darkest day." Australia has sent heaps of aid, thank you very much.

Alecia the Foxx

Thats terrible I hope everyone is ok

No, they weren't actually. 100 and something dead (including a couple of babies) and hundreds more injured. The city of Christchurch is pretty stuffed now.