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Does anyone find that casual sex is a poor substitute for companion/relationships?



My opinion about is companionship more impotant than sex

no No No No No No No No N O


WOW --someone found the key

cli-max said:
Lots of good reading here. In particular Astrid's post..............WOW! :read2:
xx Max

SO RIGHT--:angel1:
The same key fits a lot of little black books so it seems .
and for now will sit on the side lines reading them-
then maybe put my two bobs worth in--when I got the time
Well -- if the paper don't run out--lol.
All got one thing in common --COMPANY--


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Im my own best friend

After coming out of of a long term relationship that had promised marriage and had yet again not fulfilled that promise I sat myself down and done a little self analisis. I realised that (at this time I was 29 years old) I had actually been in continuous relationships one after the other since I was 13 years old. After 16 years of relationships none of them sucessful I realised that I had absolutely no idea wanted from a partner or a relationship. So I set myself a task. I swore of all relationships for 12 months. In the meantime I got to know myself and to come to understand just who I was and what I wanted in life. After the 12 months I started looking around and it was actually 18months before I met someone. Ok so that relationship didnt work either. But I learnt so much about myself from it. Now Im 34, Im still single, but I like who I am. I still have no idea what I want from a partner but I have worked out that I dont have to know, it'll all come in time. Yes its lonely being on my own, Ive cried myself to sleep more times than I care to say. But when I was in relationships I often did that too. So which is worse? Crying for company or crying for freedom?
I think I would much rather be on my own and be true to myself than be with someone who's not right for me just so that I can say Im not alone.


Nicely put barbie, alot of people interpret the question in a form 'Does anyone find that casual sex is a poor substitute for a fulfilling companion/relationships?' and viewed in that light its a no-brainer - everyone is generally answering in the same vein.

Sometimes I like to look deeper into what people write in threads, I believe that BBC doesn't want sympathy, pity or acceptance. Different opinions and agreeance would probably be welcome, but I believe there's probably a hidden agenda that opening himself so brazenly and despondenly, especially considering the population of this board, that maybe he'll connect with someone that might like to spend some real time with him, already with some understanding what he's looking for.....
Reading through earlier in the thread I was hoping maybe some more banter may have occured with honeyblonde a little more (we all like some happy endings).
Not that I'm pushing, but I can hear BBC yearning for a try of real company

Back to my original point, and less on the original poster, how would people answer this thread if it was posed as mutual exclusive alternatives ??
i.e. a relationship with someone that is virtually your best friend, you get along with well and you find hard to live without them, but the sex is missing; is it essential ?


Foundation Member
a relationship with someone that is virtually your best friend, you get along with well and you find hard to live without them, but the sex is missing; is it essential ?[/QUOTE]

Why don't you start a thread with this question then BigBoyBlue??


Well said Barbie.... It is so nice to met someone who thinks like i do... although i worked it out at 23 and only after 2 relationships... one in which i got married to the guy, and 3 kidz later..... i buried him.... i am now a much happeir person for my soul searching days and i now now longer cry myself to sleep..... with or with out someone there.... peace comes Eventually! :headbang:


we all need a little time to ort out what we want from ourselves and our partner. ive been in 4 relationships. my last was the best. althought it never worked out i still think about her. she was the one i wanted so i broke of one relstionship to be with her. some day and nites i wish i never but we can never go back and change the past,as much as we would like to.i guess what iam saying is than we all need our own space.its good to come home to some that understands who you are.


slavegirlsuzie said:
Why don't you start a thread with this question then BigBoyBlue??
It was a rhetorical question made to make you think on more aspects of the original thread topic.
In my opinion, it would be too related to split off into another thread.

But if you feel the need to explore a flip-side more, feel free to use the subject yourself and start one anyway.



Gold Member
Same good read. But people fail to realise a relationship is a 2 part process. Companionship and physical, most settle for companionship because they've put too much invested time into a relationship. And decide later to find the physical else where, with WLs behind their other half backs. Or you get the other type in which they stay around for the physical, because sex is good and put up with a bad relationship. Latter knows finding good sex is hard.

Relationships should start with getting to know the person physically, but society has labelled women who sleep around a lot dirty. So this brutal circle will always be around.

Dood Deleted 66783

Wow, deep and meaningful. This is a common phenomena in the world. Not sure if the world cares to be honest.

Dood Deleted 66783

Reading some of the replies here and considering this was posted over 15 years ago (!!!!!), I wonder where all these people are now and whether things changed in their favour.


Diamond Member
I don't think companionship/relationship = no sex. Maybe you just haven't found the right woman yet.
Can confirm haven't found that unicorn yet. Or the pot of gold with a leprechaun upon it at the end of the rainbow.