• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Dakota Selfie thread 2023

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Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Hi @Dakota Cameron, I had a Vegan meal years ago at a Buddhist restaurant run by monks, I think it was in Pier Street. I enjoyed the meal as it was with friends which added to the experience. From memory all they asked in return is a donation of what you could afford.

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
Hi @Dakota Cameron, I had a Vegan meal years ago at a Buddhist restaurant run by monks, I think it was in Pier Street. I enjoyed the meal as it was with friends which added to the experience. From memory all they asked in return is a donation of what you could afford.
Hey! That’s awesome! I think this might have been a place called paws ran by a group of Hare Krishna! I worked there between 2011 -2014! One of the best things about this place was the homeless in Perth were given a free meal and coffee every day! Unfortunately they couldn’t get enough volunteers so they’ve closed!


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
🌏Happy Earth Day.🌏

I think environmentalism is more than just abstaining from animal products, if choosing to be vegan, but also having an eye to detail of how plants are sourced too.

Are they grown organically with little to no use of fossil fuels and obviously no pesticides, herbicides or hormones along with being genetically modified.

In my younger years I studied extensively Environmental Management, Ecology, Pest/Weed Control, Horticultural Botany along with other key agricultural subjects that saw me get into tropical horticulture.

I always tried the least environmentally impacting method of pest and weed control along with fertilising and tilling. The environment is fascinating.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Hey! That’s awesome! I think this might have been a place called paws ran by a group of Hare Krishna! I worked there between 2011 -2014! One of the best things about this place was the homeless in Perth were given a free meal and coffee every day! Unfortunately they couldn’t get enough volunteers so they’ve closed!
Sounds like the place, I had been there back in the eighties.

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
So how would a vegetarian know what a meaty texture even is?
Food to feed live stock that humans consume
Being vegan is a different journey for everyone. For me being vegan is about trying to cause as a little harm as possible to animals. If we don’t need to cause unnecessary harm why would we? If we could stop hurting animals shouldn’t we? Our judgment is often impaired when we have something to gain. These animals are someone, someone who didn’t give consent to become OUR clothing entertainment and food. Humans are extremely dominant over animals for no other reason but because we can be. Watch dominion on YouTube


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
@Dakota Cameron, Just as a trigger warning to me, is Dominion fairly graphic? I was asked to watch something similar, if not Dominion, I thought I couldn't watch it again. I think a nurse friend of mine had recommended me to watch it. Fairly confronting.


Diamond Member
I will never stop fighting for the rights of innocent animals who are suffering through the worlds largest holocaust
Well I am doing my part in preventing global warming by consuming the "innocent animals" that the scientists claim are causing this warming due to their flatulence.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Well I am doing my part in preventing global warming by consuming the "innocent animals" that the scientists claim are causing this warming due to their flatulence.
Nice try Kenny but it adds to your flatulence. Doesn’t reduce but increase methane because the more consumed the more produced in animal production. Glad I didn’t copy off your exam papers in college.🤣🎓


Diamond Member
Well I know having cruciferous veggies, beans and legumes, will increase my flatulence more so over any type of meat protein.
"Doesn’t reduce but increase methane because the more consumed the more produced in animal production."

🤣 Maybe you should have 🤣

Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
In 2018 I attended my first pig vigil and as you know animal exploitation is one of the worst forms of oppression our planet has ever faced. It’s so rampant that much of the world doesn’t even recognise it as violence, society has normalized it, we use animals for weekend entertainment. Throughout history we have fought against oppression.

We use animals and sit around feasting on their body parts as a Christmas or easter celebration, we allow such violence so close to our personal lives but ignore it. Many of us at one point or another contributed to and were ignorant of their suffering. Unaware that the industries that exploit them also exploit US in return. Animal abuse is considered so normal we aren’t even always aware we are doing it but one thing is certain. IT IS ALWAYS VIOLENT because killing a living being who doesn’t want to die is ALWAYS a violent act and this violence is perpetuated by speciesism ideologies and beliefs and practices that we have made habitual and have buried and obscured in the very architecture of our society.

But I have seen the truth. I see it on social media, I see it every time we hold a vigil for the animals outside various slaughterhouses in Australia, as do other activists worldwide. We give water to thirsty pigs travelling far distances who have no choice to be stuck in a metal box covered in their own filth for hours and sometimes days. And at the chicken Vigils, I see chickens with broken legs, sores, and missing most of their feathers due to infections and some are already dead-on arrival due to their living conditions and the stress of the journey but still these trucks are labelled “FREE RANGE” and “ORGANIC” they leave that facility to stock up the shelves at Coles and Woolies for more unsuspecting customers that trust those label’s just as I once did.

The dairy industry is stealing babies from mothers. I have seen bins full of fetuses because it is common practice for female dairy cows to be pregnant on arriving at the slaughterhouse and their babies are cut out of their womb where bovine is collected from their still beating hearts. They haven’t even opened their eyes and we as humans exploit them not to mention the countless other ways, we exploit them including for entertainment such as at the ASCOT RACECOURSE, for FASHION and unnecessary testing on animals.

The good news is that every single one of us has the power to change this and as activists we are giving people the first thing, they need in order to make that change and that is the truth. We have an amazing tool now that we didn’t in the past. The power of social media. I know we like to keep our Facebooks and Instagram pages pretty, we want to have the most expensive designer handbag in fear of not being accepted but we must use social media to fight for the VICTIMS. We are vegan for LIFE not for LIKES.

As long as we have a voice which we all do that means that we all have power and with that power comes responsibility. The animals need us to be active and if you ever feel hopeless or overwhelmed, use that feeling and put it towards a purposeful action.

Come to a vigil! Post on your Facebook and be consistent with your action. Because if not us then who?! We may be a minority, for now 😉 but we are already making so much change! We have already changed laws! We are changing hearts and we are changing people’s minds! Let’s be the animals bridge to a kinder and more compassionate world and be the activist that you would want FIGHTING FOR YOU.

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share
🌳Let's Keep it clean and safe 🌳


Dakota Cameron

Gold Member
Yes trigger warning ⚠️ DOMINION is an Australian expose but if how our foods being made needs a trigger warning maybe we shouldn’t be eating it


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Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Should we all wear fishnet stockings on the floor for winter? Remember at one stage it was a rule? Personally I think it looks nice and classy when we all match!
The key word here is (floor), yes they would be ‘on the floor’ if I saw you in them Dakota.🥰
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