• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Coronavirus predictions...



Coronavirus all a circus,
bugs and thugs
Taking our taxes
Robbing our jobs
For a sniffle,
A snot,
So fucking what
How can revive to survive
When moneys our honeys
Not tree huts and pot
Banned by the cops


God... You really don't get it do you... Acting gay but not actually being gay has its rewards with women...

Grand, love it comment


Diamond Member

However referencing a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) seminar, health broadcaster Dr Norman Swan said it was a myth that only elderly people are dying from coronavirus.
“Intensive care units across China and Italy are full of people who are young and it’s the young who are dying with no obvious risk factor,” he told ABC Radio.

In an alarming recording between doctors at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan obtained by ITV, they can be heard discussing the influx of patients from younger demographics.
“You have no idea how many young people are here, I mean even 20-year-olds with no underlying conditions, in need of assisted breathing because of horrible pneumonia,” one doctor say

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If anyones dieing then a lot of hospital staff will pass. This forum might start seeing people pass away.


We wont know anyone working much, everyones going on the dole.

People lose money, borrow against house.

No economy for 4 years.

Tourism completely dead !!

Death of economic jobs

Night Owl Ciao

However referencing a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) seminar, health broadcaster Dr Norman Swan said it was a myth that only elderly people are dying from coronavirus.
“Intensive care units across China and Italy are full of people who are young and it’s the young who are dying with no obvious risk factor,” he told ABC Radio.

In an alarming recording between doctors at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan obtained by ITV, they can be heard discussing the influx of patients from younger demographics.
“You have no idea how many young people are here, I mean even 20-year-olds with no underlying conditions, in need of assisted breathing because of horrible pneumonia,” one doctor say

@ozwarlock67 😯


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
NSW and Victoria are pushing to shut down all "non essential services", South Australia is closing the borders for domestic travel from next Tuesday 4pm.
We could have all avoided this if Australia would have closed it's borders 3 weeks earlier than it actually did

Night Owl Ciao

NSW and Victoria are pushing to shut down all "non essential services", South Australia is closing the borders for domestic travel from next Tuesday 4pm.
We could have all avoided this if Australia would have closed it's borders 3 weeks earlier than it actually did
And The CV juggernaut rolls on relentlessly continuing to gather more & more momentum with every passing day 😳


Diamond Member
NSW and Victoria are pushing to shut down all "non essential services", South Australia is closing the borders for domestic travel from next Tuesday 4pm.
We could have all avoided this if Australia would have closed it's borders 3 weeks earlier than it actually did
it's not rocket science with this infection.
they should have closed the borders mid january.


Looks like a cushion for unempolyed for a while, dole up from 281 a week to 565 or 1140 a fortnight. Might go on those that survive.

I spoke to a friend living in Jakarta, hs said theres dead people on streets increasing, corpses

Night Owl Ciao

Looks like a cushion for unempolyed for a while, dole up from 281 a week to 565 or 1140 a fortnight. Might go on those that survive.

I spoke to a friend living in Jakarta, hs said theres dead people on streets increasing, corpses
So in Indonesia the dead are left piling up on the streets???


You got proof of that?

A friend ive surfed with in Java, he lives in Jakarta. Said sometimes body on road now increasing a lot, piling up. The real infection high rate hasnt started yet

Third world in deep, deep trouble. Capitalism models are kind of fucked really and BORROWING, industries get smashed over night, bankrupancy no protection. Like sex with HIV and no condom. I seen a few credit stocks get annihalted on market this morning,bank shares smashed, is borrowing goin to go on again ?
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Silver Member
It will get worst by May-June first wave then Sept -Oct 2nd wave. the Flu sort of more likely will be misdiagnosis with Covid-19.

Get your fluflu shot people; dont ignore. And stay well!

Antivaxxer; stop being denial. Your antibody isnt build for 21 century~