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Can phobias be cured?


Mary Anne PA

I dont think that I will ever defeat my various phobias, and in my opinion I dont think that serious phobias CAN be cured.
That said, I dont have panic-attacks from cockroaches anymore, after I terrified our godson when confronted by an evil disgusting roach.

Do you have a phobia, and do you think it could be cured?


Gold Member
I think you can train yourself to be calm and collected while confronting them. I'm not a big fan of falling and tight places, but I did a fair bit of both while in the ADF. I never enjoyed the sensation, but I did it and no one around me was aware that I was in various stages of shitting myself.


Foundation Member
Hm...phobia against roaches is pretty common. One way to fix it is to carry a big, disposable plastic sandal everywhere, and whack the little buggers when you see one :D

Mary Anne PA

Hm...phobia against roaches is pretty common. One way to fix it is to carry a big, disposable plastic sandal everywhere, and whack the little buggers when you see one :D

eww i hate the sound they make when you quish them, i cant do it!


Diamond Member
I am scared of heights! Even standing on a chair makes me feel very uncomfortable. It is a blessing I am only short 5 feet 5 inches.

I have painted from the top of the roof and I have dived twice of the second tower at a swimming pool. It scared me and no it did not stop my fear for heights. The diving platform I tried to jump off the top tower but I was unable to climb the ladder. It was a miracle I managed to climb down again.


I don't know if phobias can be cured but I some can be treated. I know some people who've resorted to hypnotherapy, others via counselling. If it's a problem that's embarrasing to you or someone else important to you - then I guess that's something to resort to.

I must confess I'm always amazed at women who can be brave enough to put up with the pain of getting their legs waxed or starving themselves to look "good" but yet jump on a chair when they see a cockroach!


I tried hypnosis to assist in a fear of flying..I was pretty cynical at first but

to my suprise the problem has largely disappeared.From memory I had four

sessions and thats all it took.


Phobias are mental (and to an extent, genetic), but being that they are mental, it is possible to "cure" them. It will require you to essentially "face your fear" and accept that you will not die from a cock roach or what ever your phobia happens to be. You can also go to a shrink who will help you in "facing your fear", but that will cost money, lol.

As far as panic attacks go...if they are severe, you can get medicine for that (beta blockers) or in a severe case, excise some of the distal sympathetic nerve fibers (not recommended).

....having said all that....i hate tight spaces underground....i know it's weird, but it bugs me out.


Foundation Member
Hmm, depends on whether we are talking about real phobias or just strong dislikes.

A dislike can be faced down if you are just determined enough to do it. A genuine phobia is hard-wired into the subconscious and cannot be easily overcome. Hypnosis or a process of desensitising oneself, usually under the guidance of a counsellor, is the only way to a cure.


Saw a story on 60 mins about a guy that cured his phobia of heights...interesting.


Diamond Member
When a young lad of 5, I was dunk into a cow's trough. Even today I have nightmares of sinking down, down under the water. However I am now able to swim lengths of the pool, including the deep end.

However I have always been scared of heights.

I have always have found ladies sexy- but I am willing put up with this problem.


Gold Member
Yes they can. i got over the two that i had. one was heights which i got over by the last job i had where i had to climb over 30 mtr to the top of lime and cement silos to dip them and to fix stuff on top of them. and the other i had was a phobia about Elevators i hated them and would not get in one until i worked in a hospital and had to use it or carrie heavy bags up and down stairs all day so i got over that one too. don't let it get to you. you can get over it if you try.:walk:


Gold Member
I think the ability to overcome the phobia depends upon the level of desire you have to do so. I used to be so phobic of spiders and cockroaches that it really was impacting my daily life. eg: Couldn't hang clothes on the line because there were often spiders there, had to leave the house if I saw a roach until my husband could find it and kill it.

I once spent a whole night locked in the third bedroom in our house (which was the craft room) with a towel shoved under the door and I sat and watched the door until my husband came home and disposed of the roach that had been running around the house.

This level of disfunction eventually got to me, so I decided I was going to take control. It start with launching large heavy projectiles from across the room in the beginning, to now I can actually get close enough to whack one with a shoe. (For info, thongs are the best, because they are easy to hold, flat on the sole and the flex gives a nice whack.) I can now kill relatively large spiders with fly spray, however I haven't been confronted with a large fast moving spider like a huntsman, that one is still causing me a large amount of anxiety.

But I am also claustrophobic, cannot go into caves, have difficulty in elevators (panic attacks are now rare, but do still occasionally happen). Basically I have learned to control the fear, but it's still there. But I have no desire whatsoever to fix it completely, because I would need to go into caves or other tight spaces and I don't want to, it's not affecting my daily life too much, so I don't feel I need to address it.



I fell off a cliff and a small bridge both times my father caught me but to this day I am PETRIFIED of heights. I now realize that what I fell from as a child was not that big, but to a child it was huge.
My husband is not allowed to drive up massive hills with me in the car, High rise car parks make me want to scream, though I have gone up them but he is not allowed to park or drive near the edge.
Even just looking up at a tall building or standing under a tall tree is enough to make me vomit.
Extreme I know but Im actually better than I use to be. It's funny though I can control it(fear) to a level but not for very long, I usally get out or away as quick as I can.


my driving makes you want to scream huh? :p

make me want to scream like a little girl !


ha pics work now , by post count huh, lets see if i can beat the 3500 post's i got on my PC gaming site ?

3500 sex post's i'll end looking like Rodney Dangerfield .
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Diamond Member
Yes I agree we are what we are and should accept we are not all perfect-yes even I am not perfect.

However we can still enjoy being what and who we are and be someone others will enjoy being with. Each one of us is special.


Gold Member
I must confess I'm always amazed at women who can be brave enough to put up with the pain of getting their legs waxed or starving themselves to look "good" but yet jump on a chair when they see a cockroach!

Does anyone else think that getting their legs waxed is strangely erotic? Or am I the only weirdo in the world?

I used to be afraid of heights, phobic, maybe not, but definitely afraid. That was almost totally cured by having to work on hotel roofs installing and maintaining satellite dishes.

I do however have a phobia of supermarkets. Serriously I will pay twice the price at a deli, butcher, fruit and vege shop, rather than enter a supermarket. Unfortunately there are times when I have to bite the bullet and get in and out as quickly as possible. It was suggested that this was actually agoraphobia, but it is only supermarkets... Other places I am fine. I especially love shopping in the city on Friday night and Saturday so it can't be that. Is there a specific phobia for supermarkets?


Diamond Member
I agree that in a large shopping complex you feel you have been swallowed into the bowls of a monster.


Phobias come from somewhere...a past experience, no matter how small. What if one can find out what originated the phobia and deals with it......

Mary Anne PA

Phobias come from somewhere...a past experience, no matter how small. What if one can find out what originated the phobia and deals with it......

My claustrophobia comes from being (accidentally) locked in a cupboard for 4 hours. I then was locked in the bathroom (again an accident), when the door handle broke, for only 20 mins or so.
I wont use public toilets if you cant get out of the cubicle (has to have the doors with a gap under, where I can fit, or a space to climb over)
Theres no cure for me, I fear


Cured? Prob not. Managed? I believe so.

I suffered panic attacks for over 10 yrs but today I live a 'normal' life. How? Inner strength, new skills for coping and a deep desire to get past them. Now and then if I am under great stress I have edgy moments etc but the skills that worked for me then work for me now and the attacks no longer take over and rule me.

The trick? Find what works for u.



I am severely agoraphobic. In my case, it's a phobia of too many people in a confined space + high noise level.

Now, this is not about "strong dislikes". I don't "dislike" big crowds at all. In fact, I like them. It's a _phobia_. If it gets triggered, I flip. I am no longer there with you. I will not be able to:

* Speak
* Judge distances
* Function
* Accept any kind of touch

I will also look pale and completely detached. And I get depressed to the point that I become utterly disfunctional.

I bought an apartment in highgate where I work. What I didn't realise, is how crowded the city is. I learned all the off-peak times for everything (shopping, walking, etc.).

Can it be cured? I don't know. I've had it since I can remember. And it has affected my life... but in the end it's just a matter of adjusting myself and the way I live so that I don't have to face a fit.

Not sure why I wrote all this, but that's it :-D



Diamond Member
Thank you jessyinperth for revealing all. I am sure it helps those without the symptom to understanding more clearly what it is like if it was as part of their life.

I admire you have not given up but continue to enjoy life the best to your ability.



Ah... THANK YOU for understanding!
It's hard. I am there unable to move, and somebody comes and GIVES ME A HUG. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Or they try to talk me out of the fit. AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :-D

I explain very carefully what to do if I am having a fit... that's important. During a fit... it's too late because I can no longer speak!
