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Can a narcissist ever change?

John Smithl

Legend Member
Interesting videos 👍

The thing with psychology is that everything is on a spectrum from 1% to 99% and all points in between.
Nothing is just black or white.
So everyone has all psychological aspects.
Everyone has narcissistic traits and empath traits, autism/Asperger's, anxiety/depression, etc; and a pre-dominance in various situations, contexts and triggers.
Of course it is when these traits go over certain thresholds and duration that they can be diagnosed and treated, etc.

The key is taking responsibility for one's own psychology and understanding that other people have their own psychological mix and interactions.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
They are everywhere and make my blood boil especially when it comes to power & control and Domestic Violence
The Narcissist doesn't last more then a couple minutes with me. Can't stand them nor misogynists.
The 2 traits go hand in hand often

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I think you may need a FB group hun
Best way to deal with this negative behaviour is on your bike, bugger off and not take there crap.
Referring to the narcissist not you Jamie my apologies

Ciao Baby

I think as a human being we all have a bit of narcissist in us 2 a certain degree however when it becomes pathological or bordering on it then it becomes a serious problem for any1 who comes in2 contact with one in particular 4 those poor souls unfortunate enuff 2 b in a relationship with a narcissist. The sad & frightening part is there is no known cure, intensive therapy can assist however due 2 the nature of the disorder a narcissist is never ever at fault or 2 blame it is always someone else's fault so that alone tends 2 undo any good that therapy may have achieved.
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Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
So true and having had 2 relationships with narcissist you are spot on. They very rarely seek help or therapy as they feel they are perfect and the issues are with others. From a therapeutic perceptive it would be difficult to treat one would think.

Ciao Baby

Not only is a narcissist never wrong or never 2 blame they will often accuse their victims of being a narcissist.
It is a very bizarre & frightening disorder but from my own personal experience - based on the 2 pathological narcissists I have known their traits & symptoms are almost identical.
Like any mental issue narcissism should not be ridiculed or judged too harshly however that is a hard act 2 follow if u find urself tangled up in their web of chaos & madness.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I as a young man worked for 3 different Different business proprietors who were Hubris-tic or possibly narcissist they had it all now deep in debt old and broke .

Ciao Baby

She hit the nail on the head saying you feel like your going crazy
Narcissism is quite possibly the most bizarre of all of the mental disorders when u think about it.
The very fact that the person afflicted with it truly believes with all their heart & soul that they are never wrong & everything that goes wrong in their lives is 100% always the fault of others makes it highly unlikely that they would ever 4 just a single moment even consider seeking professional help.
From my own personal experiences of being involved with a pathological narcissist I think it would b fair 2 say Narcissism is the "Catch 22" of mental disorders.

Penny S

A Rose by any other name 🌹
Staff member
Legend Member
I think Narcissist are of different types not all are the same but yes they do share similar moods