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Attraction towards other decreases when you are in love?


Sizzling chemistry in mind đź’…đź’…
Diamond Member
The more in love a woman is with a man, the more physically attractive she finds him (Price & others, 1974). And the more in love people are, the less attractive they find all others of the opposite sex (Johnson & Rusbult, 1989; Simpson & others, 1990)."
-"Social Psychology" by David Myers

Guys do you agree on this Attraction towards other decreases when you are in love?

eyes on you

Silver Member
That’s an interesting thought. Prices observations in 1974 were relevant back then and now, and the state of “in love” to physical attractiveness would go to support the argument that “love is blind”. In 1990 the studies observing “less attractiveness in others” due to the Euphoric state of mind is true to a sense that you sole focus is on your partner that you love.
Yes the couple “in love” will have decreased attraction to others, at the time and while they are still in the ”in love” state only having feeling, thought and emotions for there partner.

However in today’s day and age I believe that the bombardment of social media, advertising, pornography, movies and other media will force the state of “in love” to be fleeting causing the time of “feeling in love” decrease. Then also meaning the view of attraction to wards others would increase.

A straight answer to your question is yes.
A real answer is, in today’s current state, love is fleeting and people are always looking for more.


Sizzling chemistry in mind đź’…đź’…
Diamond Member
That’s an interesting thought. Prices observations in 1974 were relevant back then and now, and the state of “in love” to physical attractiveness would go to support the argument that “love is blind”. In 1990 the studies observing “less attractiveness in others” due to the Euphoric state of mind is true to a sense that you sole focus is on your partner that you love.
Yes the couple “in love” will have decreased attraction to others, at the time and while they are still in the ”in love” state only having feeling, thought and emotions for there partner.

However in today’s day and age I believe that the bombardment of social media, advertising, pornography, movies and other media will force the state of “in love” to be fleeting causing the time of “feeling in love” decrease. Then also meaning the view of attraction to wards others would increase.

A straight answer to your question is yes.
A real answer is, in today’s current state, love is fleeting and people are always looking for more.
Perfectly elaborated the topic.