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A question for the gentlemen.....


Gold Member
WOW!!! thank you gentlemen!!!
i was hoping there was one maybe two miracle positions that i could learn and forever do but....
it is clear to me that all positions can be fun with the right person, and could be a little awkward with the not so right person, which was my original thought.
i personally try not to fake an orgasm- can i just say though that just because i don't cum it actually doesn't mean i didn't enjoy the sex!
this misunderstanding by so many unfortunately has occasionally brought me to a not so real climax so the gentleman can understand ive enjoyed my time with him. (was this too blunt to say? i apologize to those who think so).
Sex is meant to be fun and if im not having fun im not afraid to let you know ;):p:rolleyes::joyful:


Great question Zara, and not simple to answer. I guess it depends on the amount of variety each partner likes, how flexible, whether more visual (I love to see a woman's breasts doing their Simple Harmonic Motion thing - so like "cowgirl") or textural (I also like to massage a woman to orgasm) or if taste and smell drives one (oral).

Mostly for me the turn on is either about loosing control or bringing pleasure i.e. The biggest sex organ is the brain, and the position comes second to feeling connected, loved, able to serve, and with variety.
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