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A question about AMPs



I have a question about the business model of AMPs and how it can assist me in my current crisis. It might sound a bit silly, but I thought I'd chuck it out there anyway and see how I go.

Due to the experiences I underwent in my last relationship I'm having some mental health issues where I can't get sexually stimulated/aroused enough to ejaculate. I've been to an AMP twice and a private once this year and it happens (or more appropriately doesn't happen) every time, and unfortunately in Asian culture this is a sign that you dislike the services and I've managed to seriously piss off the WLs.

The thing is, I still want to see nude women and get touched by women for the pure chemical pheromonal pleasure of it. My question is, is it still worth their time at the AMP to pay them for the hour to get their gear off and massage me without a happy ending or full service? How does the pricing work for that?


I would assume that you’d pay the shop fee for the massage time, then the service of naked and touch would I assume be the extra portion, and that’s depend on who you see. Generally speaking +$100-$150 for a naked body2body. Open conversation and talk around naked and that’s it. Ive done it in the past.


Price is for time too.
Visit Rung, tell her you would like a good massage with hand job.
If she can't make you come.... hmmm.... let's not go there.

Be Nice

Legend Member
My regular told me the amount of guys that can’t cum is fairly high, it’s higher than what I thought anyway, she reckons it’s over 10%. They don’t care to be honest, unless they’re worried about getting carpal tunnel.
When your time is up, it’s see ya later. Not many will do naked massage for the hour, but I’m sure you’ll find them somewhere. Price for this? $70/$75 for the hour, then??
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Legend Member
If you are upfront and negotiate a fair price for nude and touching they should be ok with it.

Some take it personally if you don't come because they have to work too hard trying to make it happen for you but just let them know it is unlikely to happen.

I have prostate issues and sometimes don't come either but it is great to just have the experience of touch.

Most ladies I have seen were ok with it.


Gold Member
You just need to be upfront with the WL ... thell her that you have issues but love the naked feely touchy... serious ladies will see this in two ways... as a challenge.. or as a nice relaxing time with no pressure of meeting an end game...

Also may I suggest going out with your best friend and just spilling everything over a few drinks... us blokes are bad for getting in our own heads and screwing ourselves up when all that is needed is someone you trust to bounce off and clear the fog...


You just need to be upfront with the WL ... thell her that you have issues but love the naked feely touchy... serious ladies will see this in two ways... as a challenge.. or as a nice relaxing time with no pressure of meeting an end game...

Also may I suggest going out with your best friend and just spilling everything over a few drinks... us blokes are bad for getting in our own heads and screwing ourselves up when all that is needed is someone you trust to bounce off and clear the fog...
Thanks for the advice. I had a thread about it a while ago, I was dating an AMP girl here in Perth. The majority of people don't want to touch that topic with a 10 foot pole, even your best mates 😅