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Would you show respect???


Legend Member
Even though times have changed over the past couple decades, a lot of our work is still primarily done by only either a man or woman.

In your line of work, if your boss was of the opposite sex would you change the way you act?

For example, if you were a brick layer that would normally swear along with your co workers, would that suddenly change if you got a new boss that happened to be a woman?

Or if your new boss happened to be Jewish or Muslim would you stop eating ham and cheese sandwiches in the lunchroom?


Legend Member
BB If a new boss happens to Muslim etc Neither you nor he/she can be expected to
change their dietary habits Though there would be some feeling each other out on
behaviour that is acceptable to both

Anyway you would be OK on the eating front as their is (AS you have heard me say ad nauseum) little or no pork in polony or sandwich ham


Gold Member
I might lay off on the sexist / racist joke emails a bit other than that I think it would be business as usual.


Legend Member
You forgot to include the in between. LoL...

I would still be me, doesn't matter who the boss is. *burp* *fart* pardon me, boss, too much baked beans for lunch.

I only swear in private, so that part is not a problem. I don't see swearing as a necessity in a work place.

I don't change diet for anyone, work place is a place of business. Nothing can change that, personal beliefs, religion don't come into play. Everyone knows that, your boss surely know that if he/she manage to get to the top job. Company policies apply before personal ones, if ya know what i mean.


Gold Member
I guess the hidden implication of the question is that it is OK to be rude to a white atheist all-male boss, but not anyone else. Question is, doesn't the white atheist, blokey boss deserve the same respect as anyone else, if he is the boss? Isn't it the position that demands the respect, not the personal habits of the holder?


Foundation Member
Workplace dynamics vary wildly according to the industry and the people there.

When I worked for a major corporation many years ago it was surprising that although we were all "one team" and "one company" the difference in atmosphere from area to area was startling.

I think it operates on two levels:

There is the work and the rules and regulations which govern what is done and by whom then there is the social side of a group of individuals with nothing much else in common having to work co-operatively to get the job done.

Things just work a lot better for everyone including the organisation when there is respect and harmony on the social level. The most important skill a boss possesses is the social skill to create a happy workplace where everyone feels at home and valued. I think most adults know instinctively how to behave around others and usually respect each others' sensibilities as a matter of course. If they don't, or if someone deliberately stirs or harrasses co-workers the boss needs to step in and yank them back onto the straight and narrow.

For myself, I will eat what I like and swear when the need arises. As to religious sensibilities I think you will find that most Muslims, while avoiding Pork and alcohol themselves, would not expect me or anyone else to avoid it for their sake. Likewise, a female Muslim worker may well wear "modest" clothing in line with her religious beliefs but won't chuck a fit if her co-workers wear a lot less.


Each job has its expected professional standards and each workplace its own workplace culture. I just try to be myself in the context of my workplace culture and meet professional standards regardless of who is boss. If I can't be myself, I can't be happy, and I don't want to work there. My industry has very well-defined job-roles, so man or woman matters less than the individual personality of the boss.

I just lost an easy-going, no BS (female) boss and have inherited a (male) boss with unspoken expectations which I fortunately meet. Times have defo changed in my industry and it's a better place for having done so.


I will still try to fuck her if she is Muslim or Jewish - or not - if she is hot that is!!!!!

After I eat my prawn cocktail & ham sandwich.


Even though times have changed over the past couple decades, a lot of our work is still primarily done by only either a man or woman.

In your line of work, if your boss was of the opposite sex would you change the way you act?

For example, if you were a brick layer that would normally swear along with your co workers, would that suddenly change if you got a new boss that happened to be a woman?

Or if your new boss happened to be Jewish or Muslim would you stop eating ham and cheese sandwiches in the lunchroom?

No I wouldn't stop eating ham and cheese! YUM I would respect my boss no matter what sex they are, and I think a girl in that type of industry would expect swearing from tradies although they may play it down when she is around due to courtesy