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Women in uniform


Legend Member
I like to think I`m like most men, I wouldn`t mind seeing a good lady in a short french maids outfit as she cleans the house but what if she was to wear a military uniform??

Is there a place for our beautiful ladies in our defense forces or would they be too much of a distraction?

Naughty Thoughts

Are you talking about ladies dressing up in military attire or being a part of the military? Those are two different discussions.


Silver Member
I wholeheartedly believe there is... Prime example of this is many women in history to name just a few... Nancy Wake, Mrs. Lydia B. Bacon,President Madison's wife, Dolly, Alicia Cockburn....
Maybe I am biased seeing I am a woman but if we want and fight so harshly for equal rights then defence forces should also be included...


Gold Member
In my view, anything a woman wants to do and believes she can do, she should be given the opportunity to do so.

Now, as for the distraction bit. It's one thing for a woman to be in a dress uniform for special occasions versus everyday battle uniforms.

If you're in the middle of a patrol or action, this will not come up as a distraction. If you're such a person that would be distracted, then you're not fit to be on the front lines in the first place, because more than likely, an uncertain shape inside a burqa would set you off.

I think the armed forces right now have enough problems with sexual harassment that they need to address behind the front lines. Those women who make it to the front lines are tough enough to deal with any shit coming their way.

It's more the whole academy and training structure that needs to weed out the undesirables early enough.

Finally, totally away from the actual army itself (and I've never been in it), to me there is NOTHING sexier than a confident woman in a uniform.


Gold Member
Personnel statistics from Section 4 (Table 4.12) of the Department of Defence’s Annual report 1999-2000(1) show that women make up 12.8% of the permanent ADF (6,507 women compared to 44,248 men). The Royal Australian Air Force has the highest percentage of women at 15.1% (2,121 positions occupied by women), followed by the Royal Australian Navy with 14.6% (1,832 positions), and the Australian Army with 10.6% (2,554 positions). Women also make up 17.5% of the defence force reserves (1% of the Naval Reserve, 14.6% of the Army Reserve, and 1.9% of the Air Force Reserve). Women’s participation in a combined total of the permanent and reserve forces runs at 14.2%.

Ten year old stats, but close enough. There are plenty of women wearing the uniform.

Defence sexual harassment is high profile, is it higher than the general population? I haven't seen stats, but I doubt it. Regardless the organisation should be held to higher standards and women should be able to serve in the ADF without harassment.

I have served and I have served at the pointy bit of the spear. In my own personal opinion, it's no place for women. The last time I jumped out of a helicopter to chase bad guys, I weighed about 185kg, with pack, webbing, rifle and my own sizable arse. The other 4 blokes in my patrol were all capable of grabbing the drag handle on my pack and skull dragging me out of a contact if I got brassed up by the villains. That's a nice thing to know in the back of your mind.
The other thing is the pure brute force required to move that sort of weight up and down mountains, while remaining alert enough to maintain security by patrolling your arcs, for days and weeks on end. No doubt I'll find a woman capable of doing that one day. Haven't seen her yet though.


Are you talking about ladies dressing up in military attire or being a part of the military? Those are two different discussions.

yah its true..its a distraction if these ladies are part of military but are they gonna make it...and if you say they these beautiful ladies in military uniform..i think it would be sexy


Legend Member
I love a WL's uniform.

When in uniform it consists of:

2 breasts
1 pussy, with clit (at attention)
1 set of lips with lipstick

1 pair of black stockings (optional for dress uniform - formal)