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Why no one really dates anymore..............


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Agree 100%. Also, I've said to women over the years never marry a man who hasn't lived on his own for a while and learned responsibility. Marrying a man who has always lived with their parents and used to having everything done for them is a recipe for disaster.

Never marry a man that can't iron a business shirt or cook a decent steak...

Tania Admin

Every Woman I know that her marriage has ended never lived with the man she married, and everyone said if I lived with him before I married him I would of never married him ever... the ones that lived together marriage has lasted through tough times and well as good.
Naughty Thoughts did not move in with me until we were married. We are going great guns.

NT can't cook a steak for 💩 but he's pretty awesome.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Yes it is. But this has absolutely nothing to do with dating....

If I met a lady and she was unable to do simple life skilled tasks, I don't care if she could suck a bowling ball through a garden hose, she ain't a keeper... Dating is everything as dating can lead to marriage and whom wants to be married to a useless person.. it says, richer for poorer in the vows NOT useless or skilled maybe that needs to be added in... but simple tasks come on...


Gold Member
If I met a lady and she was unable to do simple life skilled tasks, I don't care if she could suck a bowling ball through a garden hose, she ain't a keeper... Dating is everything as dating can lead to marriage and whom wants to be married to a useless person.. it says, richer for poorer in the vows NOT useless or skilled maybe that needs to be added in... but simple tasks come on...

For better or forget it?

Tania Admin

If I met a lady and she was unable to do simple life skilled tasks, I don't care if she could suck a bowling ball through a garden hose, she ain't a keeper... Dating is everything as dating can lead to marriage and whom wants to be married to a useless person.. it says, richer for poorer in the vows NOT useless or skilled maybe that needs to be added in... but simple tasks come on...
Phoebe no-one goes on a date and asks if they can iron.. Your comment makes no sense.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Also if I am out on date with a lady and she pulls out her phone and checks her social media or even posts a pic about the food we are about to eat, thats there and then the time I need to use the toilet, I get up walk to toilet and ask someone where the nearest exit is, and leg it.... I don't care once are going steady but hey on a date you do that, I am gone...! see ya don't want to be ya!


Gold Member
I dated a woman years ago, as a matter of fact it was her who asked me out. I was flattered because she was rather attractive and had a nice personality. Then, my pet hate. She was obviously still scarred from a previous relationship and spent most of the night talking about her "ex". That kind of talk should come later on when you feel a little more comfortable where the relationship is going. Ladies, a guy doesn't want to hear about your previous relationships on a first date. I've never been so pleased for an evening to end in my life. She didn't want a date, she just wanted someone to grizzle about her "ex" to.

And Phoebe's correct as well. Nothing more annoying on a first date than people checking their mobile phone. If they just want to check with a baby-sitter that everything's okay, I don't mind that, but that's where I draw the line. Turn the phone off and concentrate on me for a while, that would be nice thank you. I don't ask for much, and sometimes you don't even get that. I think most guys my age have experienced the thrill of being nothing more than a free feed and night out. I took a girl out once, wondered where she was and found her flirting with one of the bouncers. It's not always a man's fault that dates don't work out ladies.
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Ummm. Not true. NT used to be a vegetarian and has not mastered how to cook meat. He's got other skills. He's great with housework and computer stuff 😎👍
Thats great Tania NT sounds nice, I prefer your other avatar Tania, but the new one is not bad, actually quite good

Tania Admin

Thats great Tania NT sounds nice, I prefer your other avatar Tania, but the new one is not bad, actually quite good
Thank you. The new avatar is me 27 years ago :)
Naughty Thoughts is totally awesome ❤


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Thats great Tania NT sounds nice, I prefer your other avatar Tania, but the new one is not bad, actually quite good
Thank you. The new avatar is me 27 years ago :)
Naughty Thoughts is totally awesome ❤

Hmmm I have to admit this, your face looks familiar...


Gold Member
My mum used to say....

Son, you have to court the girl...

If i starts in a pub, it will end in a pub...

My mum was old fashioned, as she was born in 1935, she believed in values that no longer exist, i am lucky in some respects as she always tried to teach me the values that she was bought up with..

Its a shame really that getting dressed up in your Sunday best, doesn't happen anymore..


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
My mum used to say....

Son, you have to court the girl...

If i starts in a pub, it will end in a pub...

My mum was old fashioned, as she was born in 1935, she believed in values that no longer exist, i am lucky in some respects as she always tried to teach me the values that she was bought up with..

Its a shame really that getting dressed up in your Sunday best, doesn't happen anymore..
Yep. Same here with a similar piece of advice said to me by by grandfather nearly thirty five years ago.


Legend Member
"Guys have become super lazy about how much effort they put into a date. They’ll rock up to dates looking like they haven’t shaved or showered in days. Gross. It’s like they want to do as little as possible while still getting female attention. This is probably why it makes more sense for them just to hook up, instead of taking a date to a fancy restaurant."

I think this has an element of truth about it, although women are partly to blame for this. Back in the 1970s when I began dating, a guy had to do all the right things, well groomed, polite, considerate, on time, etc, just to have a chance of a second date, let alone sex. If you turned up to a date the way guys dress these days, you'd be told to piss off. These days a guy could turn up straight from the garage, holes in his shirt, unwashed, unshaven, behave like a jerk all night and he'd still get sex. Women have allowed men to drop their standards.

Some guys go out for the evening looking like they've jist come from a roadworks site.
Women seem to find this acceptable.

For sure standards have dropped.

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
Now people don't date is just because they dont have time for each other, so packed up with work schedule, and most of this generation don't even understand the real value of date they think of sex. :(

You need to ask your great grandparents what date really means. :cool: