• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Who do you not trust???


Legend Member
In response to a thread about someone that went to see a W/L that advertised as being one thing and turned out to another, Some forum members said it was ok and some say you should get what is advertised.

It`s not the only industry where this happens.

How many of us have gone to a 2nd hand car yard only to be told by every single salesman they see, that this car is perfect for you despite the fact you explained you were looking for a blue car with pink dots and that the car they are showing you is green with white dots?

How many real estate agents drive a flash car and wear an expensive suit just to give the impression they are successful and you can trust them to give you the best advice?

How many of us actually believe that the counsellor we talk to about problems we may have, actually cares about what we say and not just thinking of what they can do with the big pay you just gave them?

How many of us are told by the guy at Harvey Norman that the price is the best there is and once we make our purchase we see it cheaper further down the road?

What other businesses are there that may give one impression only for the truth to be far different??


Fantastic thread Billybones. Particularly the comments about WL's.

There are so many girls on the Private Girls website charging $400 to $800 per hour plus. After meeting some of the girls it really concerned me.
The photos are genuine, but the photographer has really abused the artistic license. Where has this idea come from that if you have photos up on Private girls you can charge $400 an hour plus?

Are men really getting what they pay for?


Silver Member
Its good that you picked it up Alex. I never thought you will back up the point being a private girl. I never paid and so cannot answer in a W/L scenario.


Fantastic thread Billybones. Particularly the comments about WL's.

There are so many girls on the Private Girls website charging $400 to $800 per hour plus. After meeting some of the girls it really concerned me.
The photos are genuine, but the photographer has really abused the artistic license. Where has this idea come from that if you have photos up on Private girls you can charge $400 an hour plus?

Are men really getting what they pay for?

Silk you are not even worth $800, you are priceless :D:love10::notworthy


The Sales Industry is about relationships, which involves trust. Can you trust a sales person? Well it really is the consumers responsibility to research the product beforehand, in any industry.

I've never bought a second hand car from a car yard, so I am yet to deal with a 2nd hand car salesman. However,impressions really do last. When trying to sell my house one of the prospective sales guys turned up in a t-shirt and shorts. I certainly didn't go with him. The gentleman I chose didn't drive a fancy car, but he was well dressed.


Legend Member
If there ever was a 2nd hand car yard out there that only told the truth about thier cars, how much more business do you think they would get just by word of mouth.

As mentioned in previous threads I know nothing about cars and wouldn`t have a clue how to reasearch anything mechanical with them....