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what fo you do when service goes all wrong??




I had a client today...lovely, lovely guy and we had nice time...but I just felt that my service did not flow like I normally do...and I knew it....I can ussually turn the most difficult of jobs around...but in saying that he wasnt difficult at all, he was really lovely.

I am sure he noticed the awkwardness too...being the person I am I dont want him walking away thinking that is it....so how do you approach it or do you just leave it??

i am happy to be upfront and honest about it on fourm...BUT dont worry guys it wont happen again!!

Perth boy

I would save just leave it.

You can not please everyone all the time.

You know what your service is like and how your clients feel maybe this was just one of those clients that couldn't get the connection with you.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Saige some people just don't click, and sometimes we get tired or stressed which makes it hard to connect, what is great you reconize something wasn't quite what you expect from yourself, and you will soon find the triggers and be able to deflect it from happening again.
Its trying that is important and caring about your quality of service.


Yes well I think we have all been there from time to time , I have had the odd person that I couldn't click with.. Not all the time <3 but it has happened to me as well . When I am in this situation I try let client know that its not any ones fault..... sometimes you just don't have that spark and it is nothing personal ... sometimes it depends on the situation if the client is in a bad mood before he has even got there or under influence .


Foundation Member
Well, I guess all of us occasionally punt (or work) when we really aren't up to it and should stay home and watch T.V. instead. If that is what happened to you, or to him, there isn't much you can do about it. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we would like..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Saige, you can be sure you are not the only one it happens to. Guess it is part of our job as professionals to get over the lack of chemistry and pretend everything is just fine. lol I know that sounds a lot easier than it actually is but I am sure we all developed our coping mechanisms over time. In my case it is talking a lot or even more than I usually do........hmmmmmm........might not be the best way but I think it kind of works and I usually don't run out of topics.
So don't worry too much. We can't please everybody but we do our best :eek:ccasion14



hey saige i will say dont worry to much .i am sure you did your best .but has rochelle said you cant please everyone that how it is .take a dip breath and relax . it help some time xx



Thanks everyone..I thiink I was just tired, maybe a bit pms (sorry guys) and took it all to heart...In think myb fingers did the tapping on the forum before I had the chance to process it!!

Your right we are human....and that is that!

Big Loves Guys xxx