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what do u think about spouses or partners knowing

Purple Haze

Purple Haze
Silver Member
Hi my name is Hana. I'm in accounts dept. I dont want to cause waves by this ? But, should the spouse, partner or family need to know, and if not or if so ?
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Foundation Member
If I had a partner the thought of her finding out about my extra-curricular activities would have me waking up screaming in the middle of the night. Discretion should be the No.1 rule with all "adult" service providers.

Perth boy

Hi my name is Hana. I'm in accounts dept. I dont want to cause waves by this ? But, should the spouse, partner or family need to know, and if not or if so ?

Why did my wife ring you!!!! lol


It's up to each individual if they tell there spouse or not, some do some don't.

My client Monday lunch time sure didn't tell his gf as I had a message from her Wednesday night asking me if her bf paid me for sex on Monday, she said she wasn't angry at me but wanted to know if she made the right decision breaking up with her bf. My first message ever from a clients gf or wife! I felt a slight bit of guilt but discretion is no1 so I didn't reply back to the message.


Silver Member
It's up to each individual if they tell there spouse or not, some do some don't.

My client Monday lunch time sure didn't tell his gf as I had a message from her Wednesday night asking me if her bf paid me for sex on Monday, she said she wasn't angry at me but wanted to know if she made the right decision breaking up with her bf. My first message ever from a clients gf or wife! I felt a slight bit of guilt but discretion is no1 so I didn't reply back to the message.

good work! i dont see the harm in goin to a WL to get rocks off, if your out pickin up its a different storey


Why did my wife ring you!!!! lol

ditto...minus the lol...think I've done one direct bank transfer in the past....hmmmm - must have been for that couch I bought, yes yep the couch...but where is the couch?...oh well I sold it...where's the money then?.... etc ..

I strongly agree with the others on this one :)
There is no black and white answer. Some women need to work in this lifestyle to support their families from far away. Why should the family know where the monies coming from if their Daughter/Son is working their butt off to provide for them?
When it comes to the guys, I think it's entirely their choice if they want their partners to know about their extra-curricular activities... There are many reasons why these gentlemen visit these lovely Working Ladies. This is only my opinion but its their prerogative if they choose discretion over honesty..
Don't hate :p


Purple Haze

Purple Haze
Silver Member
Discretion is everything by the sounds of things. BUT if u hav a partner that knows then all should be good. If your partner doesn't know then wat? Is that then deceiving ???
It is deceiving but again I think every situation is different. His wife could have issues sexually (maybe even disabled) or may not be able to provide for her husbands 'tastes'. If that was the case... what you don't know can't hurt you.
In saying that if the partner hasn't even expressed his desires to his wife (maybe he has a kink that hes embarrassed about) or at least asked her if they could spice things up, then I think its a shitty thing to do and obviously the communication just isn't there anymore.
If you love someone you should be able to tell them what you like and don't like.... warts and all!
My honesty is always my downfall though so maybe I'm the wrong person to be trying to dish out advice...

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I don't have a problem with spouse knowing it is just all the narrow minded people out there that does.....
Hana do you have anything you need to get off your chest......
I am all ears.....
Ms Sue

Purple Haze

Purple Haze
Silver Member
No honey u already know my deep dark secretes. for those out there that dont know me I'm a mistery

Ms Sue

Legend Member
Wow I think we should start taking booking for our account department...


Gold Member
No ways I want my partner to find out....she'd kill me!!! On the other hand, if I was caught having a cheating relationship then she'd kill me twice!!!:laughing4

Naughty Thoughts

At the risk of being ostracised, I've always been of the opinion that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. If I was taking a punt on the side without telling the missus, then I'd have no right to complain if the missus was playing the field as well.

Now, if the four of us got together... :D


There is a certain element of excitement which is added when spouses aren't aware. As people mature they often conform more and more to "societal expectations". Visiting a WL allows guys to explore avenues of their lives which are missing with the allure and excitement of secrecy.

Tania Admin

At the risk of being ostracised, I've always been of the opinion that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. If I was taking a punt on the side without telling the missus, then I'd have no right to complain if the missus was playing the field as well.

Now, if the four of us got together... :D

Back in your box you cheeky bugger!

So when are we all getting together?!



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
There are so many circumstances to consider. And most of the time it is probably better for spouse/partner not to know as long as you stick to discretion, respect, protection and you don't fall in love with the "adult service provider". (lol.......love the expression)



Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Was thinking about it
- if your spouse or partner met you through work and you need to continue to work
well.... you should tell them you are still working
- if you meet them ordinarily - then want to build a relationship with them,
this should be something discussed before feelings & emotions are involved, i reckon...
Honesty is still the best policy!

Lord Spikey

At the risk of being ostracised, I've always been of the opinion that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. If I was taking a punt on the side without telling the missus, then I'd have no right to complain if the missus was playing the field as well.

Right on, Lone

My situation is as already discussed here. I have a wife who is not fulfilling my needs. I assume that I am no longer fulfilling hers.
Many times she has stated that she is sure that I am seeing a working lady, but she has never asked me. I have never needed to lie.

I am discrete, safe and satisfied. If she is also having her needs met, then she is also happy.

As she is happy, this seems to be the case, or she just may no longer be interested. She is menopausal after-all.

Either way, it is obvious that the lines of communication are congested. So I will continue doing what I do, until something changes, then I will revisit the situation. Given our current situation, I feel no guilt, nor would I be upset if I were to find that she was doing something similar. I would not have the right.

As long as we are both safe and careful, I don't see the problem.

Life is not as black and white as it was when I was a principled youth