• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

The Hot🤩/ Crazy🤪 Matrix - Not a man alive can afford not to see this


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
And your point is?

As one married woman I know says, my hubby can spend money on all sorts of things, aka crap, but he gets upset with me when I come home with 2 pairs of heels in differing colors... when she says do you want me to look good when we go out right? and the only money she spends is on clothing, makeup . but he has a massive garage full of crap.

Crimson Idol No More

As one married woman I know says, my hubby can spend money on all sorts of things, aka crap, but he gets upset with me when I come home with 2 pairs of heels in differing colors... when she says do you want me to look good when we go out right? and the only money she spends is on clothing, makeup . but he has a massive garage full of crap.
That's a great story mate & I can see you have put a lot more thought into this post than usual however I am still struggling to see any relevance whatsoever?
Perhaps we could play a little game?
I will post something & you will then reply but the difficult part is the reply must bear at least 50% relevance to the post you are replying to 🤪