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Sticks and stones...


Legend Member
"Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me"

Now, how many times did we hear that when younger?

Somebody calls you a name you don`t like or does something against you, can you handle it or do you fight back??

For myself...
say what you want about me but if you ever try to insult or harm my family or friends and well...
:ky: wait and see :boxing:


Foundation Member
That saying is a load of hogwash.

Bruises and broken bones will heal but repeated put-downs and negative feedback can leave mental scars which can, literally, ruin a child for life.

For damaging someone permanently the pen, and the tongue (and more recently the keyboard) are far mightier than the sword.


If I took being teased, put down or insulted to heart I'd be an emotional wreck with major self esteem issues!

I've always been of the opinion that if someone teases me, it's because they are jealous or the ones with emotional problems. No one loves me more than myself lol. Like water off a ducks back but I've been known to say some horrible things in retaliation to get a bite. If you want to give it, be prepared to take it.

On the sporting field I take it a bit more differently and there's been some harmless(ish) biffs but all's fair in love and war. End of the game you shake hands and wait for the next game :D I'm sure there will be many who see that as bad sportsmanship, abuse or whatever but boys will be boys!
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Legend Member
I've always been of the opinion that if someone teases me, it's because they are jealous or the ones with emotional problems. No one loves me more than myself lol. Like water off a ducks back but I've been known to say some horrible things in retaliation to get a bite. If you want to give it, be prepared to take it.

Argee with you about that, to call somebody names just shows how insecure you must be within yourself.

On the sporting field I take it a bit more differently and there's been some harmless(ish) biffs but all's fair in love and war. End of the game you shake hands and wait for the next game I'm sure there will be many who see that as bad sportsmanship, abuse or whatever but boys will be boys!
This is where I feel some of the entertainment has been taken out of sport.
As I mentioned in a previous post. Sometimes you used to call some of those on the other team names just to get them hyped up and hopefully lose their concentration.

Alecia the Foxx

Names can hurt you, that is why people call others names, but I think the point of the saying is that we can decide not to take that shit to heart, develop a thick skin, harden up, however you want to put it. And Svengali here who said repeated putdowns and name calling can leave emotional scars on a child, is dead right.


Legend Member
Words will never hurt me . Ever been hit by a dictionary?

When people say words can be very hurtful and they definately can.
But sometimes I think some people confuse teasing with putdowns.
You have to be able to differentiate I mean you see some people get so riled over small things You have to wonder if they have been over-protected in childhood


That saying is a load of hogwash.

Bruises and broken bones will heal but repeated put-downs and negative feedback can leave mental scars which can, literally, ruin a child for life.

For damaging someone permanently the pen, and the tongue (and more recently the keyboard) are far mightier than the sword.
Good post!
This is so true and there has been a alot of studies re this subject.
IT WILL lower some ones self esteem with all the put downs and negativety and will take yrs to rebuild.it can lead to drug abuse depression or even suicide.The latest Murder/Suicide over east were put down to having a very low self esteem and abuse over the yrs.
You must not let the bad shit in and deflect it and ALWAYS take compliments on board with Grace..I have posted many things re this subject on F/B and have Personally been effected by all of the above..


Believe me when you are a kid being put down all the time weighs you down and it takes you a long time to get over it . In time i learned it is the name callers who have the problem .and the best thing to do is smile sweetly at them and laught when they ask what is so finny tell them to look in the mirror . That is a lesson that unfortunitaly take time to learn


Believe me when you are a kid being put down all the time weighs you down and it takes you a long time to get over it . In time i learned it is the name callers who have the problem .and the best thing to do is smile sweetly at them and laught when they ask what is so finny tell them to look in the mirror . That is a lesson that unfortunitaly take time to learn

Sorry but this is not always the case.

As an example (one of many!) everyday during year 6, these two particular teachers (mrs grey and some other old hag) called me stupid and constantly put me down for pretty much everything i did. No need to go into the stories (teachers would lose their job instantly these days) but from all accounts it actually led me to challenge them even more.

End of the day i 110% think its the parents responsibility to ensure their child grow's up with confidence and self belief to steer them into adult life cause there's plenty of negative people around who'll happily try and destroy another persons self esteem.


YES I know only to well the feeling of being put down all the time by teachers i remember my 7th grade a sick old prick called Mr Oxley who never let a day by without pouring scorn on me .It only followed that I became a figer of Fun for the rest of my school life .I hated school and when invited to a forth coming reuion <Icaused a stur by replying to the invitation with the statment that I would only return to dance through the ashes.The sad thing is I see my son who sadly is autistic suffing throug as bad if not worse than I he 16 and never had a friend noone to talk to of his own age you donot have to be bulled to get hurt try being treated as you do not excist

Alecia the Foxx

"As an example (one of many!) everyday during year 6, these two particular teachers (mrs grey and some other old hag) called me stupid and constantly put me down for pretty much everything i did. No need to go into the stories (teachers would lose their job instantly these days) but from all accounts it actually led me to challenge them even more." Quote from WXXXR

The fact that abusive behavior didn't affect you in a negative way is no proof that it is ok for others to be abusive to children.


"As an example (one of many!) everyday during year 6, these two particular teachers (mrs grey and some other old hag) called me stupid and constantly put me down for pretty much everything i did. No need to go into the stories (teachers would lose their job instantly these days) but from all accounts it actually led me to challenge them even more." Quote from WXXXR

The fact that abusive behavior didn't affect you in a negative way is no proof that it is ok for others to be abusive to children.

Yes yes and yes and so true..The fact that some people try to "normalize" this type of behaviour is PROOF that there is something wrong ie "im ok and it didnt effect me"but it WILL come out in OTHER areas of a persons life.
they would NEVER get away with that stuff these days is true because they just started to work out how fucked up ppl have become from it!
There is a really good series/study that run for more than 40 yrs called the "7 up series" it shows ppl lives every 7 yrs and starts at 7 yrs old.."show me the boy at 7 yrs old and i will show u the man at 21"proof that abuse of ANY KIND u will bring into adult hood.
Sorry for been so deep but this subject really pisses me off!!
Have a happy day!


Legend Member
AnthonyJ dont worry about beiing sorry for being deep It is always
good to get a genuine response to serious subject


Well I guess it is more a case of what dosnot destroy you makes you strong . May be those of us who survived should thank our tormentors for making us into the people we are


Legend Member
Trevsa10 maybe you or we should thank the people in our life who taught
us how to deal with the Ar**-wipes who tormented us in the first place.
I dont think the tormentors need any positive acknowledgement. Because the same blokes or girls who gave you hell may have totally ruined another persons psyche