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Signs of Silent Depression?


Gold Member
Just put it out there, what are the signs of silent depression?

Thinking out loud as I am thinking whether work is overloaded, work burnout. Today, I had to reset and went outside to breathe and talked to my colleagues, "ranting".

Lmao, trying to diagnose myself. And before anyone say call those help line and EAP etc, my workplace has those already set in place.


Legend Member
Just put it out there, what are the signs of silent depression?

Thinking out loud as I am thinking whether work is overloaded, work burnout. Today, I had to reset and went outside to breathe and talked to my colleagues, "ranting".

Lmao, trying to diagnose myself. And before anyone say call those help line and EAP etc, my workplace has those already set in place.
I feel your pain and frustration, there are fairly typical signs of depression
  1. Behaviour​

    • not going out anymore
    • not getting things done at work/school
    • withdrawing from close family and friends
    • relying on alcohol and sedatives
    • not doing usual enjoyable activities
    • unable to concentrate

    • Feelings
    • overwhelmed
    • guilty
    • irritable
    • frustrated
    • lacking in confidence
    • unhappy
    • indecisive
    • disappointed
    • miserable
    • sad
    • Thoughts
    • 'I’m a failure.'
    • 'It’s my fault.'
    • 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'
    • 'I’m worthless.'
    • 'Life’s not worth living.'
    • 'People would be better off without me.'
    • Physical
    • tired all the time
    • sick and run down
    • headaches and muscle pains
    • churning gut
    • sleep problems
    • loss or change of appetite
    • significant weight loss or gain
However sometimes in our work environment we just need to walk away for a short period of time and just clear our heads, or vent our frustration or simply rip some ones throat out who deserves it ;)


Gold Member
depression zaps a person’s energy levels to the point where even getting out of bed can seem like running a marathon. The constant, intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and despair combined with high stress, poor appetite, and sleep troubles make life a daily battle. A person that suffers silently from depression might even start withdrawing from friendships and family life because they have no energy left for them.

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
Trouble sleeping and faking emotion.
Sadly, substance abuse is common among those with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. While it’s understandable to want to escape reality and troubled thoughts for a while, addiction can cause even more problems down the road. If you know someone who abuses drugs or alcohol on a regular basis, they might be silently depressed.


Gold Member
I feel your pain and frustration, there are fairly typical signs of depression
  1. Behaviour​

    • not going out anymore
    • not getting things done at work/school
    • withdrawing from close family and friends
    • relying on alcohol and sedatives
    • not doing usual enjoyable activities
    • unable to concentrate
    • Feelings
    • overwhelmed
    • guilty
    • irritable
    • frustrated
    • lacking in confidence
    • unhappy
    • indecisive
    • disappointed
    • miserable
    • sad
    • Thoughts
    • 'I’m a failure.'
    • 'It’s my fault.'
    • 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'
    • 'I’m worthless.'
    • 'Life’s not worth living.'
    • 'People would be better off without me.'
    • Physical
    • tired all the time
    • sick and run down
    • headaches and muscle pains
    • churning gut
    • sleep problems
    • loss or change of appetite
    • significant weight loss or gain
However sometimes in our work environment we just need to walk away for a short period of time and just clear our heads, or vent our frustration or simply rip some ones throat out who deserves it ;)

These are all signs of people who use an AMP 🤣


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
If you are witnessing someone going through deep depression then suddenly they appear buoyant be extra vigilant. In some instances it could be an indication of resolve to a decision to take their own life. Some suicides leave people thinking “but they were really happy before they did it”.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Does anyone remember that scene in Crocodile Dundee when Mick comments about a lady who has depression? He said she just needs a good mate.

Mick had Walter to tell his problems to then Walter would tell the whole of Walkabout Creek, problem solved.

Having great mates lightens the load.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Thanks all for the tips. I'm all good. Just had a rant session with my colleagues. Good to let some steam out.
Awesome you’re okay, you did the best thing to share, that shows courage. If ever needed in confidence feel free to private message.