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Semi or fully matured??


Legend Member
Spent most of today ringing around trying to help a good friend get some type of work and managed to get some good replies that looked promising... Well they looked promising until I mentioned the persons age.

Is going on 40 that high an age for no one want to employ you?

I`ve often thought of it as one of the better ages.

1. Most are past the party age so the shouldn`t be a problem with failing to show after a friday night out.

2. Most of thier kids are now of the age where they can look after themselves

3. Most have finished studying so thay can work more flexible hours.

4. Most are resonably fit and still have about another 15-20 years good work left in them.

5. They are used to work and you no longer have to handle them with kiddie gloves and they are not tied to thier mothers apron strings.

6. Because they are aware that most would like to employ younger staff, they know that their job is hard to get so they make sure they try harder to keep it.

I`ve listed 6 of many reasons why I think matured age is better to hire,

So what does everybody else think??


Maturity means they have both life experience and work experience to cope with matters relating to business - whether it be an irate customer who has a justified or unjustified complaint about the product or service.

With Australia's aging population and skill shortage and small demographic population and expected resources boom that's going to deplete all the youngsters, the business will be sorry in the next 12 months when it all eventuates.

Not sure if you can put ALL of that into a CV though. I thought it was illegal to ask for someone's age in a job ad?


Legend Member
It is illegal for them to ask for an age in an ad but not illegal to show less enthusiasm once they have been given a persons age.


What sort of work is your friend looking for? Skills? PM me if you like.


Foundation Member
some emplyers are onto it

someone I know says they love gen ys

they will keep us 40 odd year olds in work forever

they wont work monday because they are getting over the weekend, they wont work fridays because they are planning for the weekend they wont work wednesday because they need a mid week break,you can forget about weekends, public holdays overtime and nightshift, if they dont get a promotion within a week they leave, they wont work a job unless it meets their standards
and the rest of the time there off on oversea holidays

and in between they bitch and moan they dont make enought to afford a house!!!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hmmmmmmmm..........Some employer might think that "mature" people are less flexible, set in their ways, rather opinionated and hence less likely to be manipulated or indoctrinated. Older employees have got far more life experience and might be harder to deal with because they have enough "material" to compare and be critical......who knows........:icon_scra
I don't agree with them......just try to understand their mindset.


Another hmmmmmm....are employers actually allowed to ask your age in an interview? And if so do you have to answer the question?


Silver Member
Hmmmmmmmm..........Some employer might think that "mature" people are less flexible, set in their ways, rather opinionated and hence less likely to be manipulated or indoctrinated. Older employees have got far more life experience and might be harder to deal with because they have enough "material" to compare and be critical......who knows........:icon_scra
I don't agree with them......just try to understand their mindset.


Another hmmmmmm....are employers actually allowed to ask your age in an interview? And if so do you have to answer the question?

Legally you cannot ask age, living situation, family situation, sexual preference, married or not, kids or not or anything at all ..... The best you can do is say tell me about yourself and wait to see what they tell you. But no matter what they tell you, legally you cannot discriminate against them because they are of certain age or anything.

Myself I turned 23 this year and manage a business, I am the youngest manager in australia out of 168 branches. When I employ I look for someone completely different to the others hiring.

To me it is all about whether the person will fit in, age does not come into it for me as long as their personality fits.

Reasons I have know 40 year old people to be declined straight up vary from age of the rest of staff, to worry about having to pay more, to worry about them having bad habits and many more which are very wrong reasons.


Silver Member
Also send me a PM and let me know the type of work you are looking for. We have alot of branches in our company and alot of contacts within different industries through customers and suppliers.