• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Scared to Post because you don't spell well.

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Don't be, I'm also a bad speller. We have 6 wonderful moderators on this forum that do slight corrections for me, and members when needed.
I find its better to write hit post and then have look,if you spot mistakes hit edit and change.
If you don't pick up the mistake one of the moderators is bound to and they will edit. At the bottom of each post you will see last edited by...check out some of mine, many have recieved the spell check services of the moderators.
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5 Star General
Foundation Member
Thank You Maryanne, as I have learnt how to read typo's online ( type-n-eze 101 ) lol :)
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I am hoping to get Loneroad one day to see if we can attach a auto spell checker to the post writer, I get to lazy to use the silly link that was last available.
By the way you have the same birthday as my mum and the same year as me, which means you must be a good guy LOL


Im the same, what I found that has helped a bit.
Is to type what you want in microsoft word and then do a spell check there and then, copy and paste it into here.
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Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I speak fluent typonese also
I'm sure the spelling and grammer nazis won't be too harsh on us


Yep I'm happy to correct spelling and grammar as I see them, so have no fear :love10: ;D
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I think we can all pretty much understand what you meant to say, even if there are a few mistakes here and there.

Like this little poem..::)

I halve a spelling checker,
It came with my pea see.
It plainly marks four my revue
Mistakes I dew knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait aweigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the era rite
Its rarely ever wrong.

I've scent this massage threw it,
And I'm shore your pleased too no
Its letter prefect in every weigh;
My checker tolled me sew.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I love the poem, I just hope the "Spelling Nazi's" don't think they should edit your spelling LOL


Gold Member
Dave here i thought i was the worlds worst speller,,, as it takes me 15 mins to type a reply to a post and if we reply to a message it takes around 30 mins to reply,,, why because i type it out, Stacey then proof reads it, then she spell checks it.

hehehe love the edit button
Stacey is going to be doing a coarse in proof reading and editing for book writers as she loves reading books and she is always picking the mistakes that are in the book
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Here's a hint...

If you use Firefox to browse the internet you can get add-ons that will do a spell check for you, (though the one I have has a few mistakes in it). Go to the "Tools" menu and click "add-ons" and search there.

Also there is a great add-on called Flashblock that prevents flash files from automatically running. It gets rid of lots of ads that way. You can also block images from certain servers using Firefox.

If you have Microsoft Word you could type your reply into Word, hit F7, (spell checker), then copy and past your reply into the message reply field in your browser. Just make sure you have the MS Word spell checker set to Australian English rather than U.S. English.

By the way, the spell checker will work with Outlook Express if you use that for emails, just push F7 when you finished typing your email.

There is also a free, (for home use), office suite, like Office called OpenOffice.

It is meant to be pretty good and is compatible with most MS documents - I haven't used it myself. OpenOffice.org if anyone wants to try it, (who wants to dole out hundreds just for a spell checker?).



I am happy to correct any typo's i see.....Miss Munky LOVES to be a spelling nazi!!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thank You to all the members for ideas for myself and others to make there posting easier.


Gold Member
Here's a hint...

If you use Firefox to browse the internet you can get add-ons that will do a spell check for you, (though the one I have has a few mistakes in it). Go to the "Tools" menu and click "add-ons" and search there.

I love that about Firefox. There are also add ons that make formatting forum posts in BB-Code really easy with all the formating commands just a right button click away...

Safari is another web browser with an inbuilt spell checker as well. There is so much more choice out there than just the plain old boring Internet Explorer


I love that about Firefox. There are also add ons that make formatting forum posts in BB-Code really easy with all the formating commands just a right button click away...

Safari is another web browser with an inbuilt spell checker as well. There is so much more choice out there than just the plain old boring Internet Explorer

Yeah, only problem is some websites don't render properly in Firefox, you can't use Windows Update, and it's much easier to fish embedded video clips out of the Internet Explorer cache.

So I wouldn't uninstall Internet Explorer.

I didn't realise, but the Google toolbar also has a spell checker built into it


Gold Member
Yeah, only problem is some websites don't render properly in Firefox, you can't use Windows Update, and it's much easier to fish embedded video clips out of the Internet Explorer cache.

Actually Firefox is more compliant with the W3 standards and uses correct syntax for css. It really comes down to the person scripting the web page and whether they bother to test in alternative browsers. Because I love Firefox so much I always test my designs in it and Safari well before I open up IE.

As for embedded videos, you need an add on for Firefox called download helper. Then you don't need to go fishing and a right click is all you need to d/l the vids. There are so many extension for Firefox now that there really isn't anything that IE can do that it can't..... Besides I am a little anti microsoft. :D


I have no idea what most of the last four posts mean sumguy and cathydomme.....i am so not computer literate!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
You are allowed to be Spunkeymunkey, as long as I see your name last edited by....reason spelling at the bottom of some of my posts. LOL
I do get the point the last two members were making, but being older & wiser I have to do things my way until it sinks in. LOL


See i use the excuse that being young i have to try things my own way because failure is a growth experience. Nice to know when that stops working i can use the older and wiser excuse!


Gold Member
I have no idea what most of the last four posts mean sumguy and cathydomme.....i am so not computer literate!

Sorry about that! :D I just don't know how the geek slipped out of me..... Must have something to do with me working when I made those posts!


Actually Firefox is more compliant with the W3 standards and uses correct syntax for css. It really comes down to the person scripting the web page and whether they bother to test in alternative browsers. Because I love Firefox so much I always test my designs in it and Safari well before I open up IE.

As for embedded videos, you need an add on for Firefox called download helper. Then you don't need to go fishing and a right click is all you need to d/l the vids. There are so many extension for Firefox now that there really isn't anything that IE can do that it can't..... Besides I am a little anti microsoft. :D

I'm aware MS breaks the W3 standards, which is the problem.
I have tried at least one video downloader add-on for Firefox, but it didn't work properly. It's not that often I want to keep a flash video from YouTube or the like anyway.

About the only feature I liked in IE7 was the zoom function. In Firefox 2 the pictures didn't enlarge, only the font, but they seem to have fixed that in Firefox 3.



I have no idea what most of the last four posts mean sumguy and cathydomme.....i am so not computer literate!

Somehow I get the impression you don't need to be. ;D

As long as you use your Dom skills for good, instead of evil...
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