Orgasm and it's type

Anna LD

Bong Beauty ll LT Digital Team
Legend Member
Orgasm typeWhat they feel like
clitoralThese orgasms are often felt on the surface of the body, like a tingly feeling along your skin and in your brain.
vaginalThese orgasms are deeper in the body and can easily be felt by the person penetrating the vagina because the vaginal walls will pulse.
analBefore the big O, you may feel an intense need to pee, but the contractions definitely won’t be felt around the genitals. Instead, they’ll be around the anal sphincter.
comboWhen the vagina — particularly the G-spot — and the clitoris are stimulated at the same time, it tends to result in a more explosive movie-style orgasm that may have convulsing or literally ejaculation (read: female ejaculation is not a myth).
erogenous zonesLesser known parts of your body, such as the ears, the nipples, the neck, the elbows, and the knees, can still cause a pleasurable reaction when kissed and played with. For more sensitive people, continuous play may lead to an orgasm.
