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Nothing lasts forever



Its funny aye just when you thought you have everything a beautiful wife adorable kids and your wife says she loves you but really i never believed woman could be just as manipulating as men big suprise


Hmmm doesn't sound too good, I've been through a really messy breakup myself recently, no kids or anything involved thankfully so I can't begin to imagine the troubles that causes.

Chin up though, time heals all wounds <3


Woman can be just as deceitful as men..as much as I hate to say it. Sometimes woman can we worse because you are really just not expecting it from them.

Chin up Craig...not all woman are like that. It is possible to have it all...you just need to meet the right person.


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Everyone is capable of anything, most times directed by outside influences.
My adorable kids grew and became expert manipulators.
Every ideal and every thought changes in time, it won't last forever.

But could you elaborate a bit more on what the problem is?


I hope things are looking up for you Craig : ).

You have a whole new life to get back on track. This could be a really good thing for you... Sometimes being single can be a great thing. It will give you time to heal and to get back to where you want to be in life.


I agree Mya... time for self with self is so important especially when life has taken some new direction... Cleo.....


Hi, there
sounds you are a bit "surprised" how manipulating or deceitful women can be? Sounds like "waking" up and entering reality? The end of romanticism? Dreaming about a perfect marriage? Women and men are pretty much equal in their needs, their thinking and their emotions. So, therefore they are equally deceitful or manipulating or strategic or however you prefer to call it. Manipulating, deceiving or using such strategies in general always is linked with the anxiety to "loose" the partner, is linked of being afraid HOW a partner might react. Therefore one, both sexes, try to prevent the partner from finding out and so on. Nobody "manipulates" or deceives the partner with bad intentions or with any wish to loose the partner. As said: the opposite is the case. The only difference between women and men is HOW (basically the same) emotions and needs are expressed, coped with or how they might be suppressed by either sex.

Miss Claire

Bronze Member
it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman, everybody is capable of lying and manipulation. it's unfair to assume that its only men or only women who do this kind of thing. everybody does it regardless of their gender. and you're right... nothing in this world lasts forever.


Silver Member
My little nephew recently responded to my comment that "Nothing lasts forever" with......"I think numbers do!"

So wise and only 6 years old!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Guess is has a lot to do with being afraid of being alone. If one side decides it is time to move on why not just let him or her go.....why trying to hold on to something that is already broken?
I know it sounds so easy and it is so not but there is a saying that sums it up nicely......not sure if I remember it properly so don't quote me on the exact words.....'if you love somebody set them free if they come back they will be yours if don't they never were'.........or something like that.
LOL....sounds so bloody rational and I wish I would live up to it (yeah right but I am working on it).
Big hug Craig and there is always a tomorrow.


Full Member
Foundation Member
.....not sure if I remember it properly so don't quote me on the exact words.....'if you love somebody set them free if they come back they will be yours if don't they never were'.........or something like that.

...I think it was more like...."If you love somebody, set them free...if they dont come back, it wasn't meant to be.....if they do come back, strangle the sh1t outta of them"......brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it.......lol :)


Foundation Member
...I think it was more like...."If you love somebody, set them free...if they dont come back, it wasn't meant to be.....if they do come back, strangle the sh1t outta of them"......brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it.......lol :)

I prefer the redneck version:

"If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you it is yours forever, if it doesn't, hunt it down and KILL it"


unfortunately its never a great time when this realisation comes about.....yes the sexes are equal in evils.......sorry to hear it,stay strong.....and be thankful for your beautiful kids.


Gold Member
You are going through a bereavement - treat it as such- spoil yourself and enjoy some good gfe. Remain a gentleman - your kids will remember how you never criticsized their mother, be firm on access rights - the Family Court will support you.

Make sure you have plenty of female friends who are not sex partners. The fact is that it is a common story.

The support I received from many unknown members a couple of years ago was the best counselling you could ever have. If I never said it before I will say it now - THANK YOU TO EVERYBODY WHO TAKES THE TIME TO CARE FOR OTHER MEMBERS!