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Mr and Mrs Perfect


Legend Member
Mabe I`m a bit jealous but for with all these singers, movie stars, sporting athletes that always look perfect but I ask...

If you were for example a football player that had the use of training equipment everyday, a coach that was pushing you every couple days and then you got play every weekend, does that make it easier to keep fit?

And for the singers and other stars, you have a lifestyle that again let`s you have your own gym, you can afford to have somebody cook for you and you don`t suffer the stress must of us expereince in life, does that not make it easier to look good??

I think if I was able to afford a personal trainer, go to the gym everyday without being tired from work and have someone cook me great low fat food it would be so much easier for me to get myself in shape and look relaxed and stressfree.


It's an odd one at times billy. People spend an enormous amount of time, effort and emotional energy to get into a well-paid job. And then they spend all the money that goes with it to keep up the performance.

Certainly, a job that pays you to keep fit is helpful. But look at many retired sports stars who've let themselves go.

You do hear of some ridiculous attempts at times - Jane Fonda publicly confessed to having each of her last ribs removed surgically to maintain an hour glass figure. Karen Carpenter had complex bulimia/anorexia problems.

I sometimes pity movie stars who pay to be surgically good looking. My favourite actress - Hellen Mirren (very much a thinking man's crumpet) - had a facelift. Are you so worried you have to look young to be employable. Is it worth it all? I wonder how many escorts fret over their looks in a profession that prides itself mostly on youthful looks.


Legend Member
Promise myself that I`ld never have plastic surgrey to make myself look good nor do I want to look like Mr Universe. Would just like to be a few kilos less and not have love handles. Be nice to be back to the super slim I was but I also know that was only because I never stopped to eat or rest. Not a healthy way to be slim.

Naughty Thoughts

Just look at the people on Biggest Loser. They are exactly in the situation that you describe - everyday people who are out of shape who are put in a situation where they have other people telling them to exercise, providing their meals (and/or showing them how to make "proper"* food) and having 1 on 1 gym sessions to get them motivated.

If an average person who looked like them at the "before" stage wanted to lose weight, there is no way that they could lose that much in the same amount of time. They probably could do it if they were properly motivated, but it'd take longer, like a year or two. That's more realistic - many people stop exercising / dieting because they don't see instant results.

* As opposed to just buying junk food or eating at fast food places.


Legend Member
Lone road you are right when you say motivation is the key. And a realistic attitude.
You see the ads on the tube Losing 5-7 kg's in a week. or they have gym junkies showing how great the new weight loss machine is, If we can eat better and exercise to what your body will allow we will probably get better results Nothing worse than seeing a friend go on a strict regime and be hungry and can hardly walk coz every muscle is in agony from overdoing their first hard exercise
And BB you mentioned athletes and the use of good gym's diets & coaches egging them
on. I remember a American footballer saying They are willing to play the game they love for free. Its the training dieting and self denial we get paid for