• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Let’s share wisdom

Zaria Zion

Zaria Zion DT expert at Langtree perth
Bronze Member
Ladies how can you talk to your guest(client) to go back to the shower if he is still having bad odour without offending him?

Arabella Allure

Gold Member
This is a hard one but sometimes it's necessary to ask them to try again

If it's just their body oder then there's almost no point asking for them to shower again because it won't make a difference.. I just don't breath through my nose 😅😂

But if they are actually dirty I say something along the lines of "let's jump back in the shower and make sure we're both nice and clean for the booking" and then I'll wash him

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Many years ago at Lisa's Retreat Maylands there was a Girl I saw many times , she had a spiel it went along the lines of verbally encouraging you to take a good shower with Make sure you wash the all dirty bits as I can get adventurous .

I thought it was a good line .
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