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I'm confused and curious


Bronze Member
Can you please help me out.

I posted previously regarding guilt if I were to stray on a "partner" who no longer wants to come near me. This forum being dedicated to WL I was surprised at the result. There was a lot of constructive ideas around leaving an unsatisfactory relationship etc. I was surprised because I believed the sex industry relied on people in my situation. Am I wrong? If I separate I will be financially routed so I wont be able to afford services then so what do I do in that case? Do WL find their clients are wholesome and single and just using these services because of a lifestyle choice?

Tania Admin

I truly believe if you are unhappy in a relationship then you should leave it. It's not fair on either party to keep up a ruse and only causes angst.

Now as for seeing a WL as your partner no longer wants to go near you. There are 2 things here:

1. Your Relationship

Is your partner suffering low self esteem?
Foreplay is also treating your partner well, complimenting them, helping out and lifting them,,is this happening.
Relationships go through highs and lows, it's important to constantly work at them and remember why you were attracted/fell in love with your partner in the 1st place.

2. Guilt.

Seeing a WL is much better than having an affair,
Healthier than one night stands,
Safer mentally as there are no emotional ties,
There are no strings attached
(All this providing it is financially viable)
If you feel guilt then perhaps re-think your options.

The sex industry see's many an un-happy married man/men in a relationship,
Kinks and Fetishes,
Single men who don't want to be tied down
and many more reasons..... There is not one predominant type of client.

I hope this helps.


Gold Member
If your both unhappy and it's not repairable, make the break ASAP. Not fair on you or her to carry on.