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drunken ramble

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have not posted for quite a while........too busy with mrs cavesquig :love10:and cavesquig junior, but she left me today and went home to philippines, junior is at mums house and so i drink..........IT IS NOT GOOD TO DRINK WHEN YOU ARE TAKING PRESCRIPTION PAIN KILLERS:eek:ccasion14.......i still love mrs cavesquig very much....even though there are so many lies and so many secrets. she say she loves me, then she leaves me. ..............alcohol is not the answer, but it helps me to forget the question.

do not know why i am even online tonight:nono:

guess i just want to express my bottled up emotions, must be time for another drink....

baseball is on foxtel now...............stay tuned for more drunken thoughts in about 2 hours, if i am still conscious


Sorry to hear things are not running smooth...Honesty from the outset always makes for a less bumpy ride...Hope it all works out for you!!

Mary Anne PA

Its nice to hear from you hon!
Hope things are better soon!


Foundation Member
Hi mate,

Sorry to hear of your problems. I have sort of been there and done that (minus the kids) so I know something of what it feels like.

You will get over it - it just takes time and, in all probability, you and the kids are better off with her out of the picture.

Only thing I would say to you is this.


You are damn right it is not the answer and building a morning-after headache and forgetting the question is no help either. Like a hangover or a death in the family losing a partner is something only time will heal.

Meantime, there are kids who need you.

Hang in there, mate.


Gold Member
Hi Cavesquig,

I am so sorry to hear that you are in a rocky place right now. I also hope that this morning finds you without too much of a hangover.

When you suffer a pain of the magnitude you are right now, I don't feel it's a mistake, or a crime, to anaesthetise it in the first instance while it is still so incredibly raw. However, the danger is that you can drift into a lifetime of masking and anaesthetising your pain, and thereby miss out on some amazing opportunities for personal growth.

I too have been through a marriage breakdown, and I empathise with the complex darkness you are currently in. Your post says that you still love your wife, and she claims also to love you too. Perhaps there are genuinely serious issues that need to be worked upon, and once your wife has had some distance, hopefully her perspective will allow you both to communicate about your future.

When and if that happens though, you want to be ready. What do I mean by ready? One truth I hold to completely is this "The only person in the whole wide world you can change is yourself". When I split from my first husband, I was no longer in love with him, so I had no foundation to attempt a reconciliation. But either way I realised that making it all about his failings was not going to help my future at all. So I focussed on myself. I felt inadequate, abject failure, like I had let myself down all accompanied by massive guilt. By staying with those feelings, allowing myself to sit in the darkness of my own self, I was then able to see areas of my own self that really needed work.

This was not an exercise in self-pity or wallowing, rather a candid assessment of choices I had made that had not led to the goal of a happy, stable marriage. Almost 7 years later I am re-married with a toddler, and I am still working on myself. The disaster that was my first marriage was actually the biggest opportunity of my life to be more authentic. The bigger the hurt, the more crushing the pain, the more likely you are to experience true personal growth, as long as you stay with the dark feelings. No more masking. Is masking new to you, or could perhaps an ability to mask your feelings and life experiences actually be a part of the problem here. It's never ever just one person's responsibility.

This is not easy, in fact it may be the most difficult challenge you face. But what a great opportunity to turn your shit into gold. Don't be in a hurry to do this quick, just allow the awareness to surround you, don't make it wrong to feel so awful, honour those feelings for the teacher they will become.

This process has allowed me to have a marriage now that is based on genuine open communication, and an ability to hear from others the impact of my behaviour, which is often completely different from my intent. This way we can become truly authentic, the very best versions of ourselves. Funnily enough, the further down this road I get, I notice significant people in my life making changes to themselves too, just because they now know it can be done.

Good luck with your struggles, be the best parent you can be right now, knowing that as you grow you'll be even more able to give of yourself to your kids.


Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Sorry to hear of your pain.
You have received some GOOD advice here so far... and you would be wise to heed it.

Alcohol is NOT a cure!

It only defers and multiplies the problem... ditch the Alcohol and face the reality...only then can you EFFECTIVELY 'deal' with the problem.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Hi mate, It's been awhile since i have heard from you. Last time you seemed very happy. Though we have never met i do know a little about you through a mutual friend.

Life can be very hard at times and we all turn to different vices to get by.
Though if you are on strong medication (S8's) you need to be very careful as alcohol increases the potency very much which you probably know.

These things in our life are very hard to deal with and yes i have been through it 2 times with children involved so i can relate to where you are.

Seeing two of the closest people to me (excluding my mother and father) pass away through alcohol diseases. The closest was less than a year ago so i could of very easily slipped back into drinking as well. Even though it is still very hard to come to terms with i am getting better and that is because i still have a couple of close friends i can talk to.

Hopefully you still have the same,well one i know you do. If you don't feel like talking about it with them maybe you should get some counselling. I know that option has never worked for me but if you find the right one you might just get the help you need. I very much hope so as alcohol is not the answer my friend and you know that.

It has taken 2 doctors to finally get me on a antidepressant that i can take with no crazy nightmares and they are definitely starting to work after 2 months. Bottom line is you need someone you can talk to and i hope you do that. All the best and i sincerely hope you get over this hurdle and things turn around for you..


the alcohol turned out to be more of a relaxant than a solution. only had a few cans, combined with the medication just mellowed me a little.

i picked up my son from parents house, he is with me now. seeing him race around the house in his walker makes me feel alot better.

the crazy thing is i still love my wife, despite all the hurt she gave me....

my last words to her as she went through to departure area were "I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU. MAYBE ONE DAY I WILL FORGIVE YOU"

i have not given up yet. i believe that a marriage is something worth saving.
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