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Do you get moody when you don't have sex for awhile?


Tania Admin

I have a friend who has an extremely healthy sexual appetite. Unfortunately for her she hasn't had any sex for 3 1/2 months now, and she is getting rather edgy but isn't in a situation where she can satisfy her appetite.
According to her, self relief just isn't relieving anything any more.
Do you find your self a little moody and/or on edge when you don't have sex?


Wow 3 and half months thats way too long for me...lol...I think so because having sex releases feel good hormones I guess..you feel good everytime you have sex right..lol...


Legend Member
Smiley, she needs to do a shift at Langtrees. PM me when she wants to relieve the stress.

Perth boy

A big yes for me. I find after about 5 days I get really moody even a bit depressed at times. Im a very happy person with a great life but this is the only thing in my life thats gets me. Maybe I need help!

Smiley tell your friend to contact me. lol

Farm Boy

I have a friend who wanks a lot will he go blind ? this is worrying him.

Lord Spikey

I have a friend who has an extremely healthy sexual appetite. Unfortunately for her she hasn't had any sex for 3 1/2 months now, and she is getting rather edgy but isn't in a situation where she can satisfy her appetite.
According to her, self relief just isn't relieving anything any more.
Do you find your self a little moody and/or on edge when you don't have sex?

Duh! What do you think?


Oh yeah, I get moody and if the drought continues I simply can not think straight. (lol .. focusing is already a challenge for yours truly). Taking matters in to my own hands (hand :p) does take the edge off but honestly, for me it's a 'band aid' solution.

Farm Boy

Drought don't tell me we having another F***ing drought I just finished seeding .


Foundation Member
Ah, that must be why I am so moody at times. I have been without for so long I am not even sure I can remember what to do.


...yep, and when the rain does come there is so little time to take notes .. dear or dear .. I'm sure FB would agree, a small amount of rain more regularly is better than the drought / flood scenario especially when it comes to reaping the benefits from sowing your oats.

Perth boy

The rain is coming my way next week. In fact it will be a storm 28 days in Thailand yipeeee

Farm Boy

Very good chance of sampling the big wet in Thailand PB, 200 percent at least maybe every day. rainfall in thailand.jpg


WL Historian
Gold Member
And you think your friend has a problem, try over 3.5years!!
I am the most celibate person here at langtrees and NO I will not be doing any shifts on the floor.
And NO your friend wont go blind, might get some calluses though.


Legend Member
i get heaps of headaches below if i haven't dine for more than a month...yeah self relief is a temporary quick fix that is not satisfying. Moody, on edge, frisky, all rolled into one ball of fury...lol

Farm Boy

And you think your friend has a problem, try over 3.5years!!
I am the most celibate person here at langtrees and NO I will not be doing any shifts on the floor.
And NO your friend wont go blind, might get some calluses though.

My advice would be to believe in what your selling ,have a little faith , its a good product and well tested over the years .

Perth boy

Very good chance of sampling the big wet in Thailand PB, 200 percent at least maybe every day. View attachment 11326

Nice graph FB.

Thats one of two reasons why I am going, I do down hill mountain biking and the wet weather will make it very interesting (and extream)on those 45 degree slops down the mountains with the water rushing down.

Other reason is to get the moody feelings away and see the girl I met last trip in march.

buckland boy

Foundation Member
Yes I get moody but I don't think it is always a lack of sex. Many things can contribute to mood swings I am sure we all have our bad days and moods.


Very true .. what a bonus that sex improves my mood, even if I'm already in a good one :)

Driver Harry

Everyone I know gets moody when there is no hanky panky in the house, even the dogs.


yeah i get moody,my wife has a low sex drive and i have an extremely high one,she is fine going without for anything up to six weeks or more,i like to get it at least 5times a week or more preferably,so you can just imagine the discussions we have,i get moody after about 3days if nothings happens but then i just have to deal with it,lol