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darkened skin? why?



around my crotch region its darker than the rest of body ike thighs etc and i'm just wondering why? ive heard thats its possibly chafing because im a bit built. what can help it?

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member

Hi Bob
Is it itchy? If so it could be a form of thrush. Go to your Doctor or if you can't be bothered go to the pharmacy and ask for some Canesten or similar... they will advise the best one if you tell them what your symptoms are.

Good luck




not itchy at all and i dont think its from being dirty. i shower quite frequently eheh


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Sorry to say bob but it is most likely dirt, staining actually. Exfolliating at least once a day, using a bleaching soap like Sard and using a nightime fade cream should fix the problem.


how is stain caused? and where do i get sard and whats fade cream


:laughing1Hahahah...:laughing4 LOL! ROLF!!!:laughing3

Whoops, Sorry, I am definately NOT laughing about your important and serious enquiry about this delicate issue...

I just saw the humour in Barbie 'being a wholesome-all-woman' that I am sure she is, rattling off all those skincare products that us ladies 'just know about' and your response was so candidly a Male "What The!!?" (please excuse the stereotying)HAHAHAHAH I am still ROLF even after re-reading it!!! Again, no harm intended. :icon_thum

I did have a 'back to reality' question to ask you...
... Has this darkened area been there most of your adult life or is it something new?

As a Latina girl, and having seen a latin crutch or 2 amongst other predominantly dark featured nationalities. It may also be... just a natural trait. In this case, bleaching/fading is usually just a hassel, but still worth a try.

If its natural... It's yours! Keep it!! Show it off more so you become comfortable with how erotic really is! (Just like people having dark nipple fetishes)

And the Chaffing issue, I have to agree that it may add to any skin colours discolouration over time. So those fandangled creams n potions would be the go. Unless of course you learn to walk on your hands. LOL