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cramped/sore arms while fingering girl


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Silver Member
Hi all

I've been fingering my girl now for a while and shes still fairly new to all this stuff. So while im fingering her and as she gets into it and wants me to go faster and harder..and..i cant :( i find it hard to go harder or faster cos its so tight in there and i cant move it much. because of that my forearms begin cramping up and i cant feel the blood circulation. I usually just do the 'bickering' motion with my finger inside her with my palm facing up.

Just wondering if i am doing anything wrong or if there are proper fingering techniques out there. maybe use my tongue instead? or are there any fore arm exercises out there to strengthen my endurance?

kinda feel bad about not making her happy when she wants me to go faster and i couldnt deliver.


Gold Member
Do push ups, mix it up, if she's liking fingering, she's probably going to be a big fan of oral.


Foundation Member
Yep, been there, done that.

Usually, the cramping is caused by having your arm twisted around to get the right angle for entry then doing the necessary finger gymnastics with a bent wrist. Not easy as the muscles controlling your fingers are actually in the forearm and the connecting tendons run through the wrist - there are few muscles in the hand itself.

Best solution is to change positions when things get too bad or try and ease her into oral, then your neck muscles can get a workout as well. :)


I think this is the sole reason we were made with 2 hands and 10 fingers. ;)


Gold Member
Look up some grip training you cramp because of your forearm flexors and extensors getting tired. Try practicing fingering without her and use a rubber band as resistance to help build you up.


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Silver Member
what a good position for fingering? any recommendations? I do screw but i want to be good all round :)


Gold Member
Your Position is dependent on her position so try a little fun trial and error.