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bad experiences with police

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come on people, i know youre all out there
the time has come to expose those bad experiences youve had with the police

why am i bringing this up you may ask?

last night my sister came home crying because she was driving through the city in wellington street and the police pulled her over as she was going 66km/hr and "aparently" the city is only a 50km/hr zone...i never knew that, dont know if anyone else does, but anyway...

she also unfortunately had her dash light off as it wasnt working, so they tried to patronise her and abuse her, saying that she looks a bit too petite to be driving her car, and that she shouldnt even be driving at all late at night, and that she was stupid for doing so, etc etc...

basically they tore her down verbally, basically in an attempt to get her to either admit their assumption of guilt & bad intentions while getting the upper hand on things

so they gave her a fine, of $150 and 2 points...
there was 2 of them by the way...

i told her, to complain to the police station when she goes to pay the fine, in as much detail as possible

she complained saying they wont believe her, its only her word against theirs, nothing will be done

and regardless if so or not, the whole point of me writing this, is to try & get people who may be scared of standing up to the police, or anyone else for that matter, that the more we are scared of speaking out, the more power these assholes gain & the more miserable they make our lives

im not saying all police and people in positions of authority are bad, but alot of people who gain such powers & rights, in alot of cases abuse it, simply because why...they have the means & ways to do so, its like a game to them, show off to their buddies, make more arrests, more fines, get brownie points

you know what i compare them to?
sales people, trying to get the most sales, the biggest commissions, telling the customer utter nonsense workdding words in such a way as to make anything sound attractive to the unitiated into that particular area of goods/services

so my message to people is just, dont stand back & let your world be taken advantage of, speak up, make yourself heard, report wrong doings & if you feel that you are being treated unfairly, say so

we live in a time now where if we lose a job, or any other such events happen as a result of standing up for ourselves & our rights, that we wont be without opportunity for long

there are plenty of people and organisations around who look out for the little people, who nuture their customers/employees, who realise that people have lives, people have worries, people dont always do the right thing, not on purpose, but because we are always thinking about a million things

expose the bad, embrace the good, the only way for things to get better is for people to know where not to go, what not to do, and who not to speak to


quite true, though being tolerance & understanding and just doing your job properly, would be nice to see them doing that for a change


Foundation Member
"aparently" the city is only a 50km/hr zone...i never knew that, dont know if anyone else does, but anyway...

All built up areas in WA are 50km/h unless signposted otherwise. This is *very* well publicised....so no sympathy from me about the fine or points....

On the other issues my family have had quite a bit of success with complaints against police. The trick is you need to make your complaint in writing. When my grandfather died the police *phoned* my grandmother and told her, rather than letting her know face to face, so we complained and recieved a written appology plus the officer was reprimanded.

My brother was issued a speeding ticket at the end of the street he lived on. The policeman (with a handheld radar) told him he saw him come over the hill doing 90km/h accellerate. My brother actually pulled out of his driveway which was halfway down the hill and drove the short distance to the bottom and the waiting officer. When he explained this was the case the officer simply scoffed. Another complaint, another appology, no ticket and a reprimand

Make your complaint in writing. It'll make you feel better. There are many good police out there, don't damn them all for the few bad ones....


It is funny how only the ppl that break the law or get caught breaking the law complain about the police.

I get that they shouldnt be rude or belittle someone, but the police on the whole are a good bunch of hardworking, under paided group of ppl, who make the place safer and save a lot of lives on a regular basis.

I am sure there are dogdy cops out there, but I think the police should be commended not condemned..they do a great job!


just to make it clear, it wasnt an attack on police as a whole, or any other industry as a whole

just an observation & frustration of how alot of people who do feel threatened or wrong-done by persons in positions of authority, end up talking about it to others but in most cases never make formal complaints or stand up for themselves in a respectful & constructive manner

regardless of whats right & whats wrong, if the little people dont stand up for themselves, then we may aswell just vote in a communist totalitarian government

but anyway, whatever...

perhaps one day we might get the joy of being able to live in a true libertarian society where tolerance & understanding are key values

though atleast ive learnt a valuable lesson about posting thoughts in open forums which end up becoming twisted & misunderstood

perhaps silence is golden afterall

Imagine, Create, Inspire, Change


thats ok, i just get quite well, whats the word
passtionate/oppinionated about alot of issues & tend to retaliate, not in a bad way, but i just have a habit of justifying myself quite often
one of those curses of being a curious cat
might get 9 lives, but can be an ass at times

but its good to see that there were some insightful replies anyway
i must admit theres more intelligence around here than most forums ive posted on about other topics, such as Tech/IT

farmer bob

As Thomas Jefferson said a people that live in fear of a government and its agencies is tyranny - police are doing a job to live in fear of them is not democratic - to understand that we the people make the laws is the kicker since we are 20 million individuals and we all wish to live in our own way. Freedom and liberty come with a price and that is bravery. There are bosses, bankers, lawers, holymen, butchers, bakers and candlestickmakers that run rampant, violence and revenge aren't the answers, intelligence and learning are supposedly the keys that make us great and all humans are rational it's emotions that cause loss of "self-control" once the perpetraitors of belittlement understand what it is they do then change can come. As buddha said this can take many lifetimes and in this day and age always keep a video camera on you.
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