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Anyone tried the George Foreman grille or similiar device?



Seeing there's an interesting cross section of society here, I thought I'd pose this question as I'm thinking of buying one.

On a slightly different note, I always buy my steak meats from the supermarket, I'm aware of how much they're disparaged but for a single guy on a budget...

I drove by a butcher today - Torres in Bulwer Street and bought a Scotch fillet steak complete with marbled rolls of naughty fat. Yum yum yum - medium rare and it was a culinary orgasm!


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
I have 2 George Foreman Grills (the small size which is ideal for cooking for 2 people) and the Family size grill.

The work really well, and its quite amazing the amount of fat that runs off.

They are brilliant for sausages, but I am not as fond of cooking steaks on them as its harder to get the doneness you want....great if you like medium though.

I prefer a frypan or grill frypan for cooking steaks, more control over temperature.


Tania Admin

I absolutely love my Foreman Grill,,I agree with Amy, the amount fat that comes out of food is huge,,mine is a mega grill and can fit 10 toasted sandwiches in it. It's my favourite kitchen appliance as well as my slow cooker and my kitchen Princess My DISHWASHER..

Dear Mia

Silver Member
I love mine too :) I have a family sized one, and chops, chicken breast etc. all gets cooked on it. I'll even grill my vegetables on it. Agree with Amy about steaks though, I'd still cook those in a pan.