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A Shy Guy's Question...please help

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I'm considering enlisting the services of a escort or going to a brothel. I'm a pretty shy guy, never really had any luck with the ladies. This is sort of a last resolution. Sorry to sound desperate, but im just longing for some company. Is it possible just to talk to the lady? you know get a few tips on how to talk to women, something that will hopefully boost my confidence when it comes down to talking with females.


Foundation Member
Well, if you want to have sex I couldn't think of a better way to make sure of scoring than to pay a "lady of the night". That would solve the problem of companionship for an hour or so but after that???????????

If I were you I would invest the money in trying to put myself "out there" where I had a chance of meeting ladies in a social setting.

There are counsellors who specialise in this field and there are also organisations like Toastmasters,who teach public speaking plus the social/service clubs like Apex, Rotary, Lions etc. Joining any of these ensures social contact with a wide range of people of both sexes and helps overcome shyness and develope social skills.

Get yourself sorted out and meeting the right lady will follow soon enough.

Mary Anne PA

I agree with svengali and was going to say the same thing. A working lady wont necessary help you work out how to converse at all.

If you have a hobby or an interest, get out there and do something that mixes with other people, ballroom dancing is a good one... join a darts team, bowling team, line dancing, tai chi... whatever till you find one your comfortable in to relax and just be natural without thought of picking up or getting sexy with someone, then it can all flow naturally together at some stage or at least boost your confidence.

And you know what, the more you keep yourself back from things, the more shy you will be.

I like to be up the front, first with the hand up asking questions, putting myself out there to learn and get to know who's who and make friends etc ... just concentrate on making friends, the rest follows...


Thats the thing. I'm currently in a very social environment, however when it comes to talking with girls im a total muk. My conversations (if i even have the confidence to even start to talk to them) are usually shitty small talk.

How do i overcome this?

Angelina private

Hi f5please,
Hi can i just say that it is great that you are not just dwelling on this but you have put yourself out there on this forum and are trying to do something about it!! Good for you!!! Believe it or not i can relate to your situation as i was once very shy myself!!!!! I like the advice from everyone here...get yourself out there mate and join in organisations or take up that hobby you have always wanted to do and in the process you will meet likeminded people and will start gaining more confidance in yourself...you know i have a good laugh at myself everyday because we can get so caught up in trying to be perfect or impress people and it all gets a bit much...and also if you write a list of all your positives and really start to focus on them(i know that sounds cheesy but we really do attract what we focus on!!!)...and the other thing is that not all of us want Mr Brad Pitt superperfect but just want a guy that is decent and treats us like a lady and you know what don't superimpose what is going on in your head onto someone else cause you have no idea what they are really thinking....

You take care and i wish you all the best in your endeavors to better yourself,
warmest regards,
ps some great self development books i have found that helped me are by Anthony Robbins (he is the master) and also another great book is The Secret.

Miranda Fox

Hello f5please,

How are you going with overcoming your shyness and building up your confidence ?

Hope we hear back from you.
Look forward to reading about your experiences.
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