• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Cayla Cream

Legend Member


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
For fear of copping it for saying anything on this thread I shall remain silent is that best Mr Happy2?

Joe Ozzie

Legend Member
I think basically to get what you paid for.
For me that includes some banter and respect for each other.

I don't go for AMPs as they tend to be just business in most cases.

No secret, I see MM an a semi regular basis and we have a great time.
We chat about stuff and that makes the session interesting beyond the basics

Ariel Dilyn

Silver Member
Well they get what they pay for, I always tell them what my standard service includes at the time of booking, before money changes hand. Be honest, dont take advantage of a man with his pants down and dont steal from them. Make you look bad, not to mention your establishment.

"My standard service includes -list of included services- and I also provide a number of extras for varying amounts of money depending on the service, are you looking for anything outside of my standard service this evening?"

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
The chatting bit, the banter is a big thing for me other than I like a good yarn it puts you at ease and makes things less clinical. I personally feel uncomfortable when the men say nothing. The chatting makes me a terrible clock watcher going way over on time but sometimes men just want to talk about life not just have sexual needs attended to. I have never been a fan of paid extra's either you do it or you don't with the exception of greek/anal. The extra for kissing, DATY etc have even heard some ladies charging extra for sticking fingers in her like WTF you can put your dick in there but fingers extra. I understand agency ladies doing so as the house keeps a % of what they earn


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
If you pay for sex but you received starfish without fries then maybe you would feel ripped off, but however if you paid for sex and even SBS and PorrnTube would not air it then I would say you did really well........


Another World Member
Legend Member
I'm a loner in my older age i've always been on my own after work there was nothing there at home for company.i was a patron of many amp's around the city till i couldnt afford the fee .i used to feel good after the hour but towards the end of my punting days i noticed a big change.
What i'd xpect now is companionshipfor full hour ive never been touched like i'd feel as tho im wanted just to make me feel specshial unfortuanately i believe these days u need to b a FIFO worker or CEO of a corporate business just to get in the door and then i brlive the costs increase
All i want is the company of a beautiful caring woman who can put up with me n my disabilities


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Good Luck there Bepp... but finding a caring woman in Perth well do you have a pot of gold ? if not I wish you good luck in this pursuit....

From my time coming and going from Perth this is how the local woman comes across and this isn't having a go at women but its how the game looks like its being played out in Perth's bar and night scene.

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