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Spelling mistakes...


Legend Member
I admit I`ve often looked at some of the profiles on the BC site but never booked, partly because a lot of people here have warned against it.
One thing I have noticed is that on the girls profile there always seems to be a spelling mistake or two...

Do you think this is done intentionaly so that we really do think that they must be foriegners because thier english is no good. Or are they really that bad at spelling some things??


I'm not sure which site you mean, but if all of them have similar spelling errors then maybe the same person is writing up all the profiles?


It is because their English isn't very good & it is truly hilarious sometimes. There was an add in the West Australian the other day for an Asian lady titled 'BUSTY KISS' what the f' is a Busty Kiss? Thoughts please Hehehe:laughing4


Full Member
Foundation Member
BB, they may also be members of this forum judging by the spelling & grammar seen in some posts.....lol.... :)

Farm Boy

I admit I`ve often looked at some of the profiles on the BC site but never booked, partly because a lot of people here have warned against it.
One thing I have noticed is that on the girls profile there always seems to be a spelling mistake or two...

Do you think this is done intentionaly so that we really do think that they must be foriegners because thier english is no good. Or are they really that bad at spelling some things??

Its all a cunning Asiatic plot Bill, The little oriental vixens want to do the school girl Headmaster thing.


Gold Member
I admit I`ve often looked at some of the profiles on the BC site but never booked, partly because a lot of people here have warned against it.
One thing I have noticed is that on the girls profile there always seems to be a spelling mistake or two...

Do you think this is done intentionaly so that we really do think that they must be foriegners because thier english is no good. Or are they really that bad at spelling some things??

That's a bit rich, Billy Bones. Give them a break. I am assuming English is your first language and your post has at least three spelling mistakes in it!!


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
I am no way a good speller and make plenty of mistakes, not entirely my fault.
It's a little hard to learn when you get put outside the H/Masters office with a book to teach yourself, not just for english but for about 5 subjects.
So i was given the oprtion by the H/Mistress not the H/Master to leave the day i turned 15 or get expelled, not much of an option.
That was 99% for talking in class and the other i wasn't interested in school anyhow after that.
Yeah i got the cane plenty of times but that didn't do anyway in helping me.
Also my Mum couldn't afford to buy all the books i needed in high school.

What i was really getting at, try and understand how young people these days talk and spell, half the time your lucky to work out what word there trying to say, leter lone trying to spell it.
Which brings us back to text messaging on mobils which they now use on there P.C's
As i have seen it happen over time from my 5 sons, the elsest is very good and is 36 and my youngest is the worst and he is 21. It's like a completely different language. Also i am sure there are spelling mistakes in this.

The other side of the coin is that alot of girls that are here from Asia to learn english, so you would expect them not to be able to spell properly, in time most come out very good.
One comes to mind and when i first saw her she could hardly speak much English, enough to get by. Though thats why she was here to go to uni to learn English.
These days she does very well, makes a few little mistakes but has also become a very popular W/L and a very good one at that.
I know i wouldn't have a clue how to say there language let alone try to spell it, so i guess it works both ways. just an opinion. Yes i know you can get the pop up spellcheck,but can't be bothered.
I am very used to dealing with shit thrown my way, so spelling is neither here or there to me.


Legend Member
I am the first to admit I can not spell for nuts

Dont worry perthboy The spell checker here can not do English either.
Spell Colour as in I would like to see a lady who has eyes of a blue colour
and we end up with color. Damn Yanks!


Gold Member
Whilst I'm happy to blame the Yanks for a lot of the corruptions of the English language, spell checker is just a robot which mindlessly checks against its database. It can't read minds to know which word you want to use:

eg your and you're are both in there but you have to choose which one is correct in each case


Legend Member
Whilst I'm happy to blame the Yanks for a lot of the corruptions of the English language, spell checker is just a robot which mindlessly checks against its database. It can't read minds to know which word you want to use:

eg your and you're are both in there but you have to choose which one is correct in each case

Whilst you are absolutely correct antonov
I will, just for the sheer enjoyment of it say
Damn Yanks
As for BB's original question It must be hard for girls coming from Asia
Trying to get their ads out there But surely very few come out here
without a Patron They are the one's who should be trying to get
the girls work with professionally written adverts


Legend Member
Seems everybody thinks I`m trying to pick on thier poor spelling, which in one way I guess I am but from what I have read about most of them belonging to an agency and not a private W/L.
Don`t you think somebody at the agency would proof read the profiles they put up??

I`ve never been to YU or Dreamlane. For those that have been. Maybe the girl you see speaks broken english but what about the receptionist?


Gold Member
At the end of the day, does their spelling really matter? If you don't like Asians, say so, and leave it at that. I happen to find the girls charming, and greatly admire anyone who has had to learn English as a second language (it is very complex - just look at the native speakers who still can't get it right!). And it is especially difficult for Japanese, Chinese, Koreans because the whole language system is so alien.

(And it is their, not thier, by the way)


one of the last things I care about when it comes to asian girls is their spelling


Legend Member
perhaps the people who run the web services need to go back to skool. They should correct the client's Engrish on the spot. lol...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Spelling the English language correctly is a challenge.......lol even with a spell check and even when it is your native tongue.
And as antonov said it is a totally different language system when coming from Asia. Grrrrrrrrr just imagine learning Japanese or Chinese.
So good on you Asian people for trying.


Alecia the Foxx

I understand what you are saying, Rochelle, but spelling mistakes just make a person/website look unprofessional. So what if spell check isn't always as accurate as it should be? Hire a proof reader. That's what everyone used to do before spell check, which I don't use, as I am way more accurate, in fact, I hardly ever make a spelling mistake, and if I do, it gets corrected pretty quickly. Hell, I will proof read websites, for a fee of course, I have in fact been a professional proof reader, but they don't hire them as much any more.


Legend Member
Ok... It`s been bugging me a little all day.
At no stage did I mention race...

My question was...
Was it intented to be mistyped to help give the impression that they are privates and not working with the help of anybody???
Could the mistakes be unintentional because the W/L or whoever placed the ad didn`t check what they wrote??


Legend Member
Ok... It`s been bugging me a little all day.
At no stage did I mention race...

My question was...
Was it intented to be mistyped to help give the impression that they are privates and not working with the help of anybody???
Could the mistakes be unintentional because the W/L or whoever placed the ad didn`t check what they wrote??

You get it off your chest BB

Farm Boy

Ok... It`s been bugging me a little all day.
At no stage did I mention race...

My question was...
Was it intented to be mistyped to help give the impression that they are privates and not working with the help of anybody???
Could the mistakes be unintentional because the W/L or whoever placed the ad didn`t check what they wrote??

Bill go and have a face to face chat with these girls and you will soon see were the problem lies.