• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Should honestly be rewarded

Ms Sue

Legend Member
If money is found in the ATM on work premise.... and no one is there to claim and prove it is there's..
Where should the money go........
Should the person who found it keep it
Should the money be donate to charity....
Should the money be split 50/50
I asked Maryanne her advice and her suggestion was ask on the forum....lol...(easy way out...)
Ms Sue


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, morally most people would hand in the cash, then the company should donate it to charity


Gold Member
Hand in the cash and get management to contact the bank. The bank may be able to tell who didn't collect it if they are given details of approximate time of the transaction. It could probably be credited back if the money is returned to the bank.


Legend Member
I actually found $100 sticking out of a CBA bank ATM in the street a few months back. I went in to the bank and they said they couldn't help as they didn't manage the ATM (but it had CBA on the front!). So rang the emergency number on the front and they said they can't access account info so there was no way to find the owner. So I bought $100 worth of lottery tickets with the idea that if it won, I'd hire a PI to track down the owner and go halves.


The real question should be, Do you believe in Karma? The bank can easily work out who owns the cash but I don't want to sound 'holier than thou' after all, I'm not the one with the cash in my hand.


Legend Member
I actually found $100 sticking out of a CBA bank ATM in the street a few months back. I went in to the bank and they said they couldn't help as they didn't manage the ATM (but it had CBA on the front!). So rang the emergency number on the front and they said they can't access account info so there was no way to find the owner. So I bought $100 worth of lottery tickets with the idea that if it won, I'd hire a PI to track down the owner and go halves.

And now you are having very long bookings at LT's Dallas Have a good win on the scratchies
As for the money Keep it for a fortnight just in case the owner comes forward
Then I say split it between the finder and a charity


5 Star General
Foundation Member
1-hold money @ the front desk
2- wait for someone to ask if money was found giveing amount n time and day was lost
3- if not claimedin a resonable time frame then police need to be contacted and all reported .
4- if still no claim then a charity be contactyed



It should go to the Colzillakilla's W/L Benefit Fund. A worthwhile charity that one.


Legend Member
And now you are having very long bookings at LT's Dallas Have a good win on the scratchies
As for the money Keep it for a fortnight just in case the owner comes forward
Then I say split it between the finder and a charity

Haha! I wish H2, but no I actually spent a couple of weeks making further phone calls until I realised it was getting silly, so bought the lotto ticket but sadly no win, so I don't get to buy a permanent room at LT :(


With that type of money Dallas you can start your own brothel... Dallas's Dirty Divas.


Legend Member
Thought about that Col but it would run at a loss as I'd be the only punter, well guess you guys could mind the store while I was on a recruitment drive, actually sitting on the interview panel kinda brings up a whole new idea from the one's I'm on at work :)


I actually found $100 sticking out of a CBA bank ATM in the street a few months back. I went in to the bank and they said they couldn't help as they didn't manage the ATM (but it had CBA on the front!). So rang the emergency number on the front and they said they can't access account info so there was no way to find the owner. So I bought $100 worth of lottery tickets with the idea that if it won, I'd hire a PI to track down the owner and go halves.

So how much did you win Dallas? Reason I ask is that I once got $250 in an ATM and I handed it in to the supermarket. Two months later, they called me and said no one had claimed it and in the eyes of the law, it was legally mine. I bought a $50 lotto ticket and won nothing. But the $200 was still a nice treat though.


Keep half for yourself and donate a quarter to charity and the remaining quarter, order pizzas for your workmates.


Legend Member
So how much did you win Dallas? Reason I ask is that I once got $250 in an ATM and I handed it in to the supermarket. Two months later, they called me and said no one had claimed it and in the eyes of the law, it was legally mine. I bought a $50 lotto ticket and won nothing. But the $200 was still a nice treat though.

Wow $250 is pretty good, but no, I didn't win anything sadly, I was more concerned that I found it impossible to track down the owner. I bet if I'd been overpaid $100 the bank would track me down in a hurry. I also imagined the $100 might have belonged to a pensioner where it was a really large amount for them.


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
If you believe in Karma, when one finds money at an ATM for instance, it is so damn easy to go to the Bank or the shopping centre or wherever and ask the management to check their CCTVs as these are prevalent everywhere...I would hope if I left money someone would be honest! I would imagine it would be so easy for the banks to find the clients if they were really interested....
Half the time people are think it is too much trouble... I know if my parents (pensioner as they are) would be horrified to lose even $50 as it would be a dent in their budget...

In the end if all else fails, management either rewards the finder with a bit of cash and give the rest to the charity they support or all to their charity... Whatever the policy...
For the police, if a cash amount is found and no body claims it. i believe it goes to the finder.. but don't quote me on that!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Honesty and kindness is like karma. The act and lack there of will be paid back.


Foundation Member
Well, as an ex Bank Johnny I can tell you that all those ATM transactions are recorded within the machine and it would only take a few minutes to scan the transaction report to locate a withdrawal of that particular amount up to an hour before the money was found. The card details could then be traced via the issuing Bank who should contact the customer.

Also, if this was an off-site machine, situated somewhere like Langtrees, I would not expect there would be a lot of transactions to go through.

Someone is just being lazy.


Legend Member
Well, as an ex Bank Johnny I can tell you that all those ATM transactions are recorded within the machine and it would only take a few minutes to scan the transaction report to locate a withdrawal of that particular amount up to an hour before the money was found. The card details could then be traced via the issuing Bank who should contact the customer.

Also, if this was an off-site machine, situated somewhere like Langtrees, I would not expect there would be a lot of transactions to go through.

Someone is just being lazy.

That's good to know thanks, it was interesting that the staff in the bank and over the phone told me that they had no way to interact with the ATM's as they were all managed externally - yet it was the banks money and customers, never really understood that one.

Farm Boy

Sometimes journalist make up news .

Homeless beggar's honesty rings up a $100,000 reward .A HOMELESS American man will soon have more than $US100,000 after returning an engagement ring to a woman who accidentally dropped it in his begging cup this month.

Sarah Darling's fiance set up a website seeking donations for Billy Ray Harris, who frequently begs on Kansas City's Country Club Plaza. By Monday, more than 6000 people had donated more than $US145,000 ($A141,600). ''I think we often jump to the worst conclusion, and it just makes you realise that there are good people out there,'' Ms Darling said.

Mr Harris discovered the ring about an hour after Ms Darling dumped spare change from her purse into his cup.

Ms Darling was horrified when she realised the next day what she had done. She went back to Mr Harris and told him she might have given him something valuable.

''Was it a ring?'' he recalled asking her. ''And she says, 'Yeah'. And I said, 'Well, I have it'.''

Ms Darling gave Mr Harris all the cash she had in her wallet at the time.

and sometimes they dont.

Tania Admin

1-hold money @ the front desk
2- wait for someone to ask if money was found giveing amount n time and day was lost
3- if not claimedin a resonable time frame then police need to be contacted and all reported .
4- if still no claim then a charity be contactyed


I second your opinion whole heartedly johnlou. Of course the preferred charity being The Children Under The Bridge fund that we are always raising money for here at Langtrees.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
Drum Roll.........................

The Decision is here.....

Money found on the premises, in drivers car, in rooms, outside of Langtrees.

All lost money will be held in the safe for 7 days. If the owner of the lost funds does not contact us within 7 days the money will then be split 50/50 with the person that found it.
The 50% retained by us will go to the charity Children under the Bridge fund (the money box that sits on the front reception counter).

As much as i loved the thought of pizza think this works better......lol

Ms Sue


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Good decision, Sue. What comes around goes around. ;)


Lilly Sweetheart

Honesty should be rewarded but unfortunately it either goes unnoticed or you still get sweet FA!

Tania Admin

Honesty should be rewarded but unfortunately it either goes unnoticed or you still get sweet FA!

I believe in Karma and if you do the right thing it will come back to you. In this instance paying it forward is very good Karma for all involved :)


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
If money is found in the ATM on work premise.... and no one is there to claim and prove it is there's..
Where should the money go........
Should the person who found it keep it
Should the money be donate to charity....
Should the money be split 50/50
I asked Maryanne her advice and her suggestion was ask on the forum....lol...(easy way out...)
Ms Sue

If you know without a doubt who it belongs to, then give it to him -- chase him down if you have to. Otherwise, finder's keepers.