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Sex Matters



Does sex really matters in a relationship???? Can't wait for the replies


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Absolutely it does. However the frequency and intensity matter a lot as a couple get older.

I am very big on intimacy now. Cuddles and closeness.


Silver Member
It certainly does but when you have been married for 20 years it can fall away (not from my doing) just happens, that’s where punting comes in, best friend and mate at home but absolutely awesome Sex with a WL to keep yourself in check..... I absolutely bow and respect you WL’s your services are soo required and respected I love you all 🤗😘

Tania Admin

Yes. Most definitely in a relationship. It's a very special intimacy. It's a connection. It's 2 people being lost in each other and becoming one.
That's how @Naughty Thoughts and I feel about it.
We are also a little kinky and like to spice things up a little on occasion.


Gold Member
15 years into a relationship the sex just disappeared, few months later so did the relationship. Funnily enough I can pinpoint the exact date.

had to get up early to attend a function as part of the wifeys dude hustle. She rolled over said she couldn’t be bothered with going, she went down on me (something she never did) then we had one of the raunchiest sessions ever, culminating in me taking her from behind and her cumming so hard she screamed out so loud (she was a silent fuck every time before.) that she woke the in-laws, She got up, walked down the corridor naked (past her mom) cum dripping everywhere to have a shower. The must bizarre session ever. She never touched me again after that. Either I fucked her up that bad, or it was “I’m done let’s try one last time see if I change my mind”.

Oh, so yeah SEX matters!