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Need help with backpain

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i have recently moved into a new house and am going to be waiting a few weeks for all my furniture to come - until then i basically have a bed, a tv, a lounge and kitchen stuff. I am having to do a lot of school stuff at home and am finding the only place i can really spread out and do it is on my bed. I used to sit on my bed with the laptop all the time and i never had a problem but since starting it a week ago i get back pain almost straight away.

It starts across the top where my shoulders are but goes the whole way down my spine. I've tried using pillows, sitting different ways, putting the laptop on pillows, lying down......but none of it helps. I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed which probably isn't helping but any suggestions to help with back pain would be gratefully accepted.


Foundation Member
Almost certainly the problem is casued by working in an uncomfortable position on your bed. You are probably leaning back against the bedhead and having to crane your neck forwards to read your laptop or notes. It wouldn't matter if it was only for a few minutes but do it for an hour or so and you will have problems with your neck and shoulders.

The only useful solution is to beg/borrow/steal a table and chair from somewhere and set yourself up properly. You may get away with sloppy postural habits when you are young but as Father time catches up with you you have to be more careful.

Simple painkillers like Paracetamol will help or use Voltaren if it is really bad but getting to the cause is the best bet.


a cure..

The therapeutic benefits of lots of sex should not be ignored either, Spunky...


Thanks Sven......i am going to steal a chair from school i think :)

Hmmmm sex......what's that? It's been so long i can't remember.....


Hehe mmmm chocolate. Ummmm no sex - i am having sex-free time for now!!


Hehe no way......if i give in for the massage i will fall for your seductive ways and end up with my legs around my ears! I know how this works......


From all accounts it sounds like you have the new thing going around, never had troubles with the back before I needed one for work, the pyhysio we ended up both seeing says is common now. Th plates kind of sieze up along the spine from the hunching.
Try sitting on a chair,hands crossed on shoulders and lean back looking at the roof, sit toward the front of the seat, good posture and twist around.
Don't know if it will work, but worth a try. Try and gt it looked at before ya get it to bad.



Dont put your laptop on pillows , your still have a crook back but your also block your CPU cooling fan vents and overheat your laptop , then you will have a crook computer as well , double trouble !!!


Dont put your laptop on pillows , your still have a crook back but your also block your CPU cooling fan vents and overheat your laptop , then you will have a crook computer as well , double trouble !!!

Hmmmm my laptop is full of dust and overheats a fair bit anyway - gotta get it fixed when i get the moolah situation sorted. But thanks for letting me know that - i didn't realise :)

My furniture and all my stuff arrives tomorrow (thank god - i am freezing my ass off out here!!) so will be able to get a desk and stuff set up.


Plenty of stretches before and after..and yoga..not only will it help your core stability and posture, but also increases blood flow witch aids in mental awareness and retention of your studies...
( So does good sex.. ;-) )


I am giving pilates a try as well (tried yoga but it hurt like hell). I imagine your pain is worse than mine right now Bratboy.
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