• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Silver Member
Mine was when I broke up with my latest partner after living with her a couple of years.
I loved her more than anything, but circumstances took its toll on the relationship and ended up breaking up with her.
I met her at a brothel, we dated, moved in together. Her work, weed addiction, lack of interest in sex at home, always was tired, though I now believe this was due to her weed addiction and being high all the time, and some other factors ended up being too much for me.
Was very hard, and still is, but know it's for the best.
Sounds like you're going through a bit at the moment with all your recent posts. How you traveling?


Diamond Member
Probably this...



Bronze Member
I agree with Bec. Any break up will bring pain, all different from other as all relationships are different.
Take that time to focus on yourself.
Treat yourself.
Do things for you.
Time to be selfish and think just about yourself!
The pain will soften and your heart will heal xx


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I think pain comes with any break up.
Hope things start to look up asianguy77. xoxo

So lets get this right, poor dude is heartbroken right now you want him to be wallet broken too, so he ends up broke coming to Langtrees, what chance will he ever have finding another GF without no cash.... ;)

You think seeing a working lady helps with a break up, actually it makes it worse, as said man knows what he is missing out on with the EX he still wants to be with madly, walks into a parlor hands over some cash, sees a lady for an hour or two, walks out but goes home and sleeps alone...... Sorry but that doesn't change nothing for him....... other than a massive debit on his bank statement......
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Bronze Member
So lets get this right, poor dude is heartbroken right now you want him to be wallet broken too, so he ends up broke coming to Langtrees, what chance will he ever have finding another GF without no cash.... ;)

You think seeing a working lady helps with a break up, actually it makes it worse, as said man knows what he is missing out on with the EX he still wants to be with madly, walks into a parlor hands over some cash, sees a lady for an hour or two, walks out but goes home and sleeps alone...... Sorry but that doesn't change nothing for him....... other than a massive debit on his bank statement......

I did not mean that way! It can be a choice though ;)
I meant time to do things on himself, for himself, to keep his mind busy.
I find often on relationship we tend to forget things we enjoy, like a hobbie. Do less sports as we used to.
Things like that.
That time alone, should be used as a time for thinking. What do I want in a relationship? What was wrong?....
After my ex, I spent 6 months, on my own, thinking of all those things.
It helped growing up lots!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Well if he's missing her madly the only things he wants to do are with her, and be with her still.... I may stick up for women on 100% as others will know and I put the boot into men rather easy too, but why do women think men dont go to pieces after a relationship ending?

Why do women think oh that sucks she broke up with you unzip ya fly and I shall suck all the evil she left in you out then you will be like a new fix man once again....... Country and Western songs sung by men in the game are all sung about women they lost or broke up with them and they still love etc etc......



Bronze Member
Well if he's missing her madly the only things he wants to do are with her, and be with her still.... I may stick up for women on 100% as others will know and I put the boot into men rather easy too, but why do women think men dont go to pieces after a relationship ending?

Why do women think oh that sucks she broke up with you unzip ya fly and I shall suck all the evil she left in you out then you will be like a new fix man once again....... Country and Western songs sung by men in the game are all sung about women they lost or broke up with them and they still love etc etc......


Phoebe, I really am not talking on unzip the fly! Read my previous post!
But rather time and healing.
Men and women go into pieces after a break up! I have seen men broken heart. I suggest them to take time on their own, NO women company! Time for oneself after a break up is very good and needed.
I feel for him, wanted to be with that person he was with.
Time will heal hopefully.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Phoebe, I really am not talking on unzip the fly! Read my previous post!
But rather time and healing.
Men and women go into pieces after a break up! I have seen men broken heart. I suggest them to take time on their own, NO women company! Time for oneself after a break up is very good and needed.
I feel for him, wanted to be with that person he was with.
Time will heal hopefully.

My original post was not your quote :)


Legend Member
Mine was my partner who I loved left me after 22 years for no reason that she could tell me. She had just survived breast cancer and I lived and supported her through two years of horrendous treatment. I was so emotionally drained after that. Then on the day I was made redundant from my career job that I loved, she said it was over and we were selling everything. Within a couple of month I had lost everything I cared about and had worked for all my life, my soul mate, my career job, all my friends because I discovered when you're single and go through divorce people who were your friends as a couple suddenly no longer want you around. Trying to date again has been the hardest. People expect that I'll own my own home and be financially secure. I was once but I never dreamed that I could lose everything I cared about in such a short space of time.

Now my ex who I still love has her cancer back and it's terminal and because I'm the ex I don't even know where I fit in. I want to be with her and support her on her last days but her friends and family look at me like "the ex" and what are you doing here? I'm still trying to do what's right but it's the hardest thing ever without any emotional support.

Bec Darwin

Langtrees Darwin Reception
Silver Member
So lets get this right, poor dude is heartbroken right now you want him to be wallet broken too, so he ends up broke coming to Langtrees, what chance will he ever have finding another GF without no cash.... ;)

You think seeing a working lady helps with a break up, actually it makes it worse, as said man knows what he is missing out on with the EX he still wants to be with madly, walks into a parlor hands over some cash, sees a lady for an hour or two, walks out but goes home and sleeps alone...... Sorry but that doesn't change nothing for him....... other than a massive debit on his bank statement......

I wasn't thinking along those lines Phoebe, I'm just new also and tag the link in all my posts, maybe I need to consider which posts the link gets added.
I was only wanting to say that pain comes with any break up and I hope things start to get better. Xxx


Rachael Canberra
Gold Member
Probably the total disregard, I mean i don't understand how someone can promise you the world and then.... nothing... its like your invisible and the time you spent together meant nothing, I understand people breakup but when everything is going so well and they just walk out on you... baffled.


Another World Member
Legend Member
Give these women n inch n they'll take the whole fukin house n leave the poor ol fart with nuthing ohter than the mortgage

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Well if he's missing her madly the only things he wants to do are with her, and be with her still.... I may stick up for women on 100% as others will know and I put the boot into men rather easy too, but why do women think men dont go to pieces after a relationship ending?

Why do women think oh that sucks she broke up with you unzip ya fly and I shall suck all the evil she left in you out then you will be like a new fix man once again....... Country and Western songs sung by men in the game are all sung about women they lost or broke up with them and they still love etc etc......

You forgot the Dog and Truck .