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Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
For no rhyme or reason, surfaced an old belief that I have not come across in some years now. Strangely it still makes sense to me as I dust it off.

Money has so many different meanings and effects depending on who's reality it is being experienced from.

In my reality it is a form of energy that has 2 effects:

1.) It inevitably amplifies what already exists in a person. This may occur in the 'relativity system' that we call 'good' and

2.) It holds the power to buy 'choices'. Many mistaken this effect to be 'happiness'. From my limited spec of observation I have seen multiple occurrences where an abundance of money has unlocked a sudden or gradual freedom of choice which had brought about long term joy to an individual and those around when used wisely. And unfortunately it had damage individuals and those around when choices were untilised unwisely.

What does 'money' mean? Anyone wanna share?


Foundation Member

Granny used to say "Fire is a good servant and a bad master"

You could say the same about money or any other source of power.


Sad that more often than not people's status in society os more rated on how much they make, what they drive and were they live rather than the character or morals of a person...tragic really!!!


Full Member
Foundation Member
Sad that more often than not people's status in society os more rated on how much they make, what they drive and were they live rather than the character or morals of a person...tragic really!!!

.....ain't that the truth, Saige...... :)


Legend Member
Never happy never have enough. W/l house cars entertainment trips.....Money gives me choice to do all those things.

Imagine if everyone was a millionaire!


I love the freedom money gives you eg travel and also it can make you look pretty to lolz.....Its a necessity of life enjoy your riches peoples

Tania Admin

I do like having money so that when the bills come in or I need something there is no stress,,, money isn't the be all and end all,,but it does help to have some to spare....

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Money is useful. It does give financial freedom and to some degree happiness. If you aren't
stressing about the next power bill, you can enjoy your life better but it doesn't buy happiness,
same with love, money will never buy someone's heart, it makes it easier for them to hang around you and enjoy some
pleasures that money will buy but that is all.

Money is something that needs to be respected and never taken for granted (spend and invest sensibly.) Everybody has
a rainy day. For some people money is everything but like all things, keeping a balanced perspective on its use
will offer more freedom than grief.
Last edited:


money is quite important to me to be able to survive everyday..to pay for my bills, food, water, gas and etc..

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Seems that it is a key to freedom for some, while it is a lock that imprisons others.

Why is that?


Silver Member
Money buys it all, unlocks all and enables all. SHOW ME a rich person who isn't following their dreams


Silver Member
Does money really make people happy? It can help people to live a more comfortable life but in the end it can't lead to a feeling of overall happiness. Having said that, I'm sure that 99.9% of people would rather be rich than poor!


Does money really make people happy? It can help people to live a more comfortable life but in the end it can't lead to a feeling of overall happiness. Having said that, I'm sure that 99.9% of people would rather be rich than poor!

I would be 100% happy getting out of my personal 747 (with supermodels as flight attendants) and jumping into the latest Pagani supercar to visit my private F1 team. Once the weekend was done, I'd fly to my island on the great barrier reef and spend the next week chasing 1000lb black marlin. Life would be sweet.


Ryder Deep
Diamond Member
Business has been slow the past few months and it pains me to say I can't afford to enjoy spending time with the lovely ladies on here as I desire.

Oh well, keeps the fires burning at least :) In the meantime there's the wonderful reviews and photos to peruse :D


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Money is the root of all evil.........so true when you think about it..........


Naughty Thoughts

Money doesn't buy happiness but i would rather cry in my ferari

Ha, that's awesome! :D

Money is merely potential. It doesn't solve your problems, it just gives you different ones. Most people can relate to the problems of not having enough to buy something you want. How many could relate to not being able to trust anybody - not even family - to give you a straight answer because they all want your money? Or having your kids trying to bump you off because they want their inheritance now and not in a few years?

I don't want to be rich, I just want to be able to pay my bills and have enough left over for a holiday at the end of the year.

Imagine if everyone was a millionaire!

That's Zimbabwe, circa 2008. Hyper inflation meant that you needed a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy bread. I have a Zimbabwe 100 Trillion dollar note I bought off eBay for about $8. The sad thing is, printing Zimbabwe dollars actually devalued the paper you were printing on, because the paper could have been used for something else. They use foreign currencies at the moment, mostly US dollars I think.

Mile High

Silver Member
Hi Yoda,

Have heard that money reflects your current state of being. Thus if you have unsolved issues/issues that you are suppressing your money pot dwindles - reason why most lotto winners lose it all within two years.

For me money is both fascinating and yet frustrating - perhaps that is my personality? (who needs Freud).

Good questions Yoda.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
By the way money as a way of exchange is apparently at least 100000 years old and occured in all parts of the world and mainly between strangers and/or potential enimies. Banknotes were developed in China. Merchants tried to avoid to run around with the heavy bulk of coinage.
So here we go.......we obviously have a very very "deep" obsession with money.



Legend Member
I think I like the cashless society idea when in places like the pub /nightclub & other social settings Seeing a card handed over is better than seeing the bloke with the super thick wallet who purposefully lets the contents be shown "look how much money I have" or the battler sliding out a few bucks hoping no one sees how thin it is
Everybody looks closer together cash wise with plastic


Silver Member
Money is the root of all evil.........so true when you think about it..........

Actually sweet Rochelle, the correct quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Money itself is inanimate being just bits of metal, paper and plastic, how it is viewed is the revealing factor.
As The Bard said "...for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so..."

I, like Master Joda believe that money is nothing more than energy.


Legend Member
Actually sweet Rochelle, the correct quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil"

I, like Master Joda believe that money is nothing more than energy.

I guess some of us have more "energy"than others


Bronze Member
I think I like the cashless society idea when in places like the pub /nightclub & other social settings Seeing a card handed over is better than seeing the bloke with the super thick wallet who purposefully lets the contents be shown "look how much money I have" or the battler sliding out a few bucks hoping no one sees how thin it is
Everybody looks closer together cash wise with plastic

I agree... I like the cashless way too. as you say, it's a good leveler.