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Mens rights???


Legend Member
In this modern world there seems to be a lot of things we men are not allowed to do anymore...
Everybodys going to have thier different views and that`s why this forum is here. It allows us to share our feelings.

Now to the point...

Why is it that should a woman decide to wear a low cut blouse or a short skirt that shows a lot of leg some believe us men should not be allowed to look?
Some women would even call us some type or pervert.
Is this fair??
Do you not wear what you wear in an attempt to catch a mans eye?
If your going to use the excuse that it`s hot and just your way of trying to keep cool then why not simply wear a pair of shorts??

Whatever happened to our male right to give a little wolf whistle should a pretty lady walk past?

Langtrees VIP Perth 4


Because those woman want the attention but don't want to seem like they want the attention. You wolf whistle and they turn and scowl and say 'jerk' but secretly as they turn and walk away they smile to themselves.(sometimes)
On the other hand, as a woman, yes we just want to be able to be comfortable with ourselves without getting harassed and gawked at.
Another point is that you don't know how many times that day she's been whistled at or beeped at and it gets annoying.
Also it does depend on the guy. If a, no offence, 40 yr old whistles at a 20 yr old it's pretty gross, young hot girls are dressing that way to get the attention of young hot guys. Some men just give off an aurora of sleaziness no matter the age.

Woman are objectified a lot more then men in our society; i'm no feminist but woman have had to struggle a lot more then men to get to where we are.

Personally I have large boob and no matter what the weather, if i wanna flaunt em I do if i don't i dont.


Farm Boy

Temperatures generally decrease as latitudes increase. The equator (30° to 40°C) is 0° latitude while the poles (0° to -40°C) are at 90° latitude.

On the other hand if your


Legend Member

Woman are objectified a lot more then men in our society; i'm no feminist but woman have had to struggle a lot more then men to get to where we are.


Unfortunatly women as history has shown women have been treated to men and this seems to be unfair.
Take for instance child birth, who was it that had to carry you around for 9 months?? A female. All us men had to do was enjoy ourselves for a couple minutes and as a result we cause women 9 months of back pain.

I also agree with you that if you want to flaunt yourself then you should be allowed but just don`t be angry or pissed off when some men do stare a little longer. I guess the short answer is if you get sick of the wolf whistles then it`s time to cover up for the day.

The 40 plus old men that whistle at that 20 year old are perhaps just wishing they were a young again. But they should also be mature enough to do so quietly....

Langtrees VIP Perth 4

WFT does that have to do with the topic??


Temperatures generally decrease as latitudes increase. The equator (30° to 40°C) is 0° latitude while the poles (0° to -40°C) are at 90° latitude.

On the other hand if your


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Billybones,
not every woman wants to catch a man's eye with her choice of clothing. And I think men should never automatically assume that a short skirt or a low cut blouse means showing of our assets and 'asking for it'.......you should give us more credit than that.
I wear what I feel comfortable with......and that depends on my daily mood and it can be everything from a short skirt to shorts or a track suit. (A bit like tattoos maybe....I got them for myself/for my own pleasure not for other people to admire them or to dislike them...in all honesty I don't really care what other people think about tattoos.)
And yes....weather has definitely something to do with it. I did never wear skirts of any length before I came to Perth. Now in the heat of the summer there are the best option to stay comfortable.
And never mind the 'looking at a woman' which is a huge difference to starring/lusting at a woman. Treat us with respect and not as a sex object (and believe me no need to say it......we can tell by the 'look' if we are getting admired or starred at disrespectfully).......I guess that is the secret.



Silver Member
i've noticed lately that the older you get, the cheekier you get...if your over 60, and wolf whistle a lovely lady she'll be flattered and think it's cute...if your my age, 40 and do the same thing your more than likely to get into trouble...if your 20, and do the same thing it could get you slapped! go figure.. =D


Legend Member
i don't know about wolf whistle. I get a severe headache of different sort. lol


I agree with Billbones you shouldnt be called a pervert as long as your not a 40yr old whistling at a 16 yr old. When a guy walks around with his shirt off the first thing I do is perve. However I don't yell things at him, beep my horn or whistle usually I will just send him a smile.

I think what males don't realise is that sometimes it can be embarrassing to be whistled at and have names called out especially in front of other people. As much as I try to take it as a compliment it can be annoying too.